Love is like a cake roll.

With a little bit of color and a little bit of pattern, the cake roll will be different.This cake is colored in red and pink, with a pink heart-shaped pattern, and is paired with a heart-shaped red dragon fruit filling, soft cake, thick cream, and dragon fruit sweetness, a cloud-like flavor, and when the lips open, you may hear the sound of flowers. ...


Joba paints a roll of cake

I've done this kind of cake roll many times, and each time I've changed the soup instead of the medicine, the square and the method of operation are basically the same, the only difference is the pattern on the cake roll. It's not the cake itself that motivates me to do this kind of cartoon cake roll, but the cartoon character on top....


Bananas and walnuts

The original recipe was sweet potatoes, we didn't have any at home, we temporarily changed it to bananas, whole wheat flour wasn't enough, we changed it to black wheat flour, in fact, it's not necessary to make bread according to someone else's recipe, it's also very good to create it yourself, the first time you make a European cake, the result is more satisfied...


Black sesame seeds

The black sesame seeds are delicious and fast....


Wrapped in rags

Flour, salt, sugar, mix evenly, then add the milk powder, stir the dry yeast, then add the water, mix into a dough, then...


Black sesame French ball



Tomato-flavored whole wheat bread

The last bit of tomato sauce, just make a whole wheat bread.The tomato sauce already contains sugar salt, so there is no extra sugar and salt in the bread.The whole wheat seems to be slowing down.From the whole wheat process to the fermentation process, it was reset two or three times, and it took about five hours to fill the bread barrel horizontally.I don't know what it's like to keep waiting, but don't wait.That's how it was baked.The colors are bright, the smell is strong.When the lid is opened, the thick tomat...


Black sesame French ball

Recommend a convenient and delicious small meal package, saying that it is convenient that its dough is as long as it is mixed evenly and not roughly (this degree of towel membrane can almost be said to be free of friction), then at room temperature an hour later it can be refrigerated and fermented for a night (or 10 to 18 hours, I'm cooling for about 20 hours is not bad), take it out and warm it up an hour later it can be baked a little bit and then it can be baked again, for busy working people who do not want t...


The Vanilla Bubble

After a few exercises, I finally succeeded in making this little bubble, happy, happy! I found that it is not so difficult to make bubble as long as I mastered a few key points. Oh! First, the dough production, the production process must not be too dry and not too thin...I remember the first time I ate bubbles when I was in Shanghai, every day I would go to work and pass by the subway station and see that little bubble shop with a lot of people around the door, then I didn't know what bubbles were, I wasn't reassu...


Onion and ham bread

Check out the chocolate toast for the soup recipe;
After placing all the dough material except the butter in the wra...


Meat and ham bread

Put all the ingredients except butter and eggs in the bread maker and start stirring.
Add butter to the dough to be ...


Old bread

China's old face has a strange resemblance to Western sour dough.Old dough is dough that has been fermented once, its essence is to add the old dough that was fermented last time to the new dough, and when the new dough is finished, take a small part and become the next old dough, and so on and so forth... Like sour dough, it can be preserved for decades or centuries.Although today's yeast is quick and convenient to make, the finished product is not comparable to the old face, which is stronger, more elastic, and h...
