Yoghurt cake

So the material is ready.
The egg whites are separated and placed separately in the prepared bowl (using an egg sepa...


Fruit cakes

A slight modification has been made to the traditional pound cake recipe, reducing the proportion of sugar, not so sweet, the addition of parsley, not only adds the aroma of the cake to give it a more multifaceted flavor, the baked cake can be placed in the refrigerator and eaten three days later, the purpose is to make the cake greasy again, this will be more delicious!...


Cranberries and raisins

This kind of bread has a lot of moisture, so you have to add water and light cream according to your own high-quality flour. If you think it's too soft or not shaped, you can add a moderate amount of high-quality flour....


Yoghurt cake

The main thing is that there can't be any egg yolk in the egg yolk, otherwise the egg yolk won't spread well (before pre...


Yoghurt cake

Preparation of baked goods
Separate the egg yolk, be careful to separate it completely, do not mix a little egg yolk...


Light cheese cake

Heat the butter and cream to melt the cheese, add the milk, and use the egg beater to beat the mixture into a smooth pas...


Chocolate leaf cake

The amazing leaves, similar to the raw flavor, are my favorite chocolate cake, and I can't stop eating them.I'm lazy, I only make a few leaves, the more the better. ...


Carrots and cranberries

From childhood to adulthood, the most comforting thing for my mother was that I never picked and chose what to eat, so when I grew up, my body was strong and I never got a disease worse than a cold or a fever.However, I believe that most children have the bad habit of picking and choosing, hating carrots, peppers, and cabbage... something that doesn't bother their mothers.On that day, it suddenly occurred to me that if you change the shape and color of the food, incorporate it into other materials, make it difficul...


Banana cake with parsley

I've seen a lot of people make all kinds of baked goods out of parsley, and I've always been curious about the taste of this fruit.A few days ago, I bought a box online on Taobao, thirteen kilos.It's a fruit that lives up to its name, it smells good in the hand, the flesh is sour, but boiling water with honey is a great drink.This afternoon, while my daughter was sleeping, I made this banana cake, and when I made the banana jam, it was really full of bananas, and with bananas and sugar, it was hard to eat such a ca...


Strawberry cheese cake

Today is the last day of the event, more than a month has passed, it is said that it is more than a month, but in fact the event has been going on from 2012 to 2013, it is also a year-long event.Every time I participate in an event, there is a touch at the end, and no matter what the end result is, I will remember that in the 2012-2013 cross-year event, I took something seriously and did something that is over, but it will be a precious memory that will not be forgotten.I've made a lot of cakes, blueberries, mangoe...


Almonds and marble

It's the softest cake, but our family always likes it plain, with a little bit of my son's favorite cocoa, and a little bit of my favorite almond, it's perfect!...


Cream cups and cakes

To make a birthday cake, I had some leftover whipped cream, and in order to get rid of the whipped cream, I baked a cupcake, and decorated it a little bit with the leftover whipped cream, and it was very beautiful.Who would have thought of letting someone knock him down?.Depression, which can be forgiven given that it's better to admit mistakes.The last survivor was the last flower that was finished and hadn't been picked up yet, and the other one was the one in the back of the picture, with a slightly smaller woun...
