The two-colored biscuit circle

This is a biscuit that you can't help but want to bake, strung together like a very European-American vintage necklace, super beautiful! This two-color biscuit circle is absolutely excellent as a must-have dessert, very easy and simple to make, hurry up and try it!...


Corn on the cob breakfast pack

Everyone says that having a child is stupid for three years, and I've had a child for almost eight years, why am I still stupid? One evening I was going to make some bread for breakfast, and I remember that I had bought a bag of whole wheat flour a while ago, and everything was ready, and then I waited for the whole wheat flour, and I looked through all the cupboards of food, and I didn't see any trace of the whole wheat flour, and then I remembered that the last time I was cleaning the cupboard, I found that the f...


Bacon and spinach bread

This bread was made at the request of the children, with their favorite bacon, which they all love to eat.Because the child's father is allergic to milk, no milk or milk powder was added to the bread this time, but the taste and flavor were not compromised. ...


Sesame seed bread

Place the material in the wrapping machine, select the facing function
Fermentation to twice the size, excluding gas...


Cooked meals

It used to be a very soft and delicious little meal package, that is, a freshly packed bag of cocoa paste was hit by my cut mouth, just squeezed on top, it was fine, as soon as the oven encountered high heat, it gradually opened up, it made people look a little too coarse. But eat well....


Bacon salad bread

Keep making the bacon bread that the kids love to eat, and the kids say, "Mommy, make the bacon a little bigger, eat it!"...


Red sugar

A new round of baking classes has begun.Seeing poetry made with red sugar, I also wanted to eat bread, just didn't want to use white sugar, so I made this sauce with red sugar, this sauce is different from the taste of white sugar because of the addition of red sugar, red sugar is its highlight, the color is a little darker, but the taste is good. ...


Spinach toast

It's a green spinach toast, and green has two meanings, one is that spinach is a real, unpolluted, organic green vegetable that we grow ourselves, and the other is that spinach is a green, healthy, nutritious toast that can complement a child's reluctance to eat vegetables....


A small meal pack of purple dates

This is a baking class to learn how to use sugar.Today I made dates and purple potatoes with white sugar, I wanted to make flowery bread, but I was lazy after I had a good haircut, I didn't want to be styled, so I made this little meal that didn't have to be styled, it's just as good to eat, it's not styled. ...


Soft bread with potatoes

When it comes to making bread, what's the first thing that comes to mind?.Even with a baking machine, the dough takes some time to reach the qualifying level.The answer is: NO! Of course not! So what we're going to do today is make a quick bread that's always good to eat, and doesn't need to be kneaded for a long time! Maybe you're going to say, how can bread be soft and tasty if it's not kneaded to a certain extent?.Because we add a natural softener to the dough, like potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, and other foods ...


Burger bread

The method of making hamburger bread embryos is very simple.It's also easy to eat, add a little bit of meat and vegetables to make a delicious meal, or just eat bread and it's delicious. ...


Printed walnut bread

Simple in appearance, soft on the inside, without a striking taste, but fragrant on the palate, with a lasting taste, red sugar walnut bread is such a small bread, each bite is a strong walnut scent, combined with lovely prints, really makes people eat more and more love!...
