Purple bread

Preparing the Materials
The bread bucket is first put into the egg, milk, water, sugar and salt to be opened in a di...


Cabbage bread

Bread and butter
Mix 280 g of flour, 110 ml of milk, 60 g of white sugar, 4 g of dry yeast, 2 g of salt, use the bre...


Heart-shaped bread

In a bowl, add 70 grams of softened butter, rub the mixture evenly with your hand, add 40 grams of eggs, use a scraper, ...


Potato puree meal pack

The potatoes are cooked while they are hot and pressed into clay, and 100 grams are used after cooling;
The back hai...


Iced pineapple oil

The bread virgin is dedicated to the pineapple bag.I've made a variety of biscuit cakes, but I've never had the courage to try bread, until I saw an educational video about pineapple cakes, and I decided to try it.It's a lot of work, it's a lot of sweat.But it's worth it to see the finished product, the grandmother ate it and said it's thicker than the one sold in the store.The disadvantage of this recipe is that the yeast is not selective, it is used with low sugar yeast suitable for hair, so it is not very good, ...


Small bread

Melting butter at room temperature
Salt, white sugar, yeast, eggs, and milk are added to the flour.


Carrot meal packages

All the ingredients are placed in the bread barrel, the liquid is underneath, the yeast is put on top of the flour, the ...


Sexy Cracks - Natural Yeast Whole Wheat

This is a bread that is nourished by time, homemade lemon yeast, used at the same time, fed at the same time, from moving home to Zhuhai, between months, just like caring for a pet, keeping it vibrant, and then at its best every day, taking out some mixture and then slowly fermenting at the right temperature... the starch becomes rich and tough after a long hydration.The moment you put a lovely round dough on a hot stone plate after cutting it, you're filled with anticipation, you're thinking, "It's going to be del...


Cabbage bread

Pour all the ingredients in the dough, except the butter, into the cook's bucket, and start the cook's low-speed kneadin...


Cranberry bread rolls

When I made it, I didn't think much about it, I just poured a lot of sugar and cranberries on it, and when I cooked it, I found out that the sugar would melt and spill out...However, although it's a bit of a hassle to pack it up afterwards, the baked bread is really good to eat. I love this dessert, what do you do? Ingredients: high starch flour 300g, fine sugar 48g, yeast 4g, egg juice 48g, milk 160g, salt 5g, butter 30g filling: fine sugar 30g, wine vinegar 75g, corn oil moderate, butter moderate...


A thousand layers of cranberry bread

Mix all the ingredients (except butter, cranberry, coconut oil and vegetable oil) into a smooth dough
Continue to ru...


Red sugar walnut soft European bag

The yeast in the main ingredient is dissolved in water and added to the other main ingredients except walnuts and Portug...
