Red velvet madeleine

The classic French dessert, the shy shell shape, always reminds me of the mermaid.In fact, it's named after a clever maid, Madeleine.Believing that every dessert touches not only its taste in the mouth, but also the fascinating legend behind it. ...


Cups and cakes

Separate the egg whites and proteins and put them in two larger bowls (the protein bowls should be very clean, no oil or...


The Three Colors of Madeline

Prepare all the ingredients and use a shovel to cut the lemon peel into pieces, add fine sugar, stir and marinate for 1 ...


Sugar-free sponge cake

Egg yolk separated, 4 egg yolks in a waterless and oilless bowl.
Four eggs in a bowl, one whole egg.


Cake with orange peels

Oranges are my favorite fruit in the winter, they're sweet and sour, they're moisturizing, they're rich in vitamin C, and they're best eaten in the dry winter.While we enjoy the delicious flesh of the fruit, don't waste the peel, it's a great natural flavor, and adding it to the dessert is definitely a drawing pen. ...


Cake with crispy skin

I've always wanted to make a healthy cake for my baby, but there's always butter, and today I suddenly found a muffin cup at home, so I thought I'd make a small cake, and it's easy to eat.This little cake is very healthy, but it's also very simple, and it's short-lived, so it's not only good for children, but also for the elderly.It's delicious, it's crispy on the surface, it's soft on the inside, it's delicious!...


Lemon soda pound cake

Wouldn't it be sweet to eat more cake? There's a pound of cake right now that tastes fresh and tasty -- not only does it use lemon, but it also uses soda instead of baking powder... it's a great idea! ...


Coal cake

Egg yolk protein separated, egg yolk added to refined oil, sugar mixed, milk added to bamboo charcoal powder mixed with ...


Santa's little cake

Prepare all ingredients, milk, eggs to be reheated in advance.
The whole egg is placed in the egg-making bowl, and t...


Peanut butter cake rolls

Peanuts, also known as sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., are one of the most common foods in our daily lives.It is rich in proteins, starches, fructose, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins, and many other minerals. It has a high nutritional value and is considered by nutritionists to be the most nutritionally balanced health food. It has many benefits such as anti-cancer, heart protection, prevention of pneumonia, diabetes, and weight loss.But it's so good, I've tried so many ways to cook it, but my baby doesn't l...


Low-fat red date cake

On a cold winter's day, hot milk tea and a delicious cake go well together, but the high calories of the cake scare a lot of girls, so today's low-fat red date cake is more suitable for you!...


Banana wheat germ cake

I only used it to record my recipes, so I didn't take a picture of the process.
Butter insulation melted, egg sugar ...
