Light cream two-tone bread

Except for the tea powder, the other ingredients are put in the wrapping machine, and the dough for 30 minutes.
The ...


Purple bread

Put all the ingredients of the bread except the butter in the cooking machine, be careful not to put the yeast with the ...


A small round bag of fermentation

Put all the ingredients except salt and sugar in the bread maker, start the Mixi function, knead for 15 minutes, then th...


Super soft light cream mini-bread

It's rare to make such a small loaf of bread, because the oven at home is a bit small, so you have to bake it twice.And the kid doesn't like to eat bread for breakfast, he's used to eating rice, noodles, noodles, porridge, etc. I want him to eat bread, so I can save a lot of work in the morning and get an extra ten minutes of sleep.And then I got the idea, and I thought I could turn it into a mini-hamburger, and it would be better, and so I had this little meal package, and congratulations, the kid actually ate bot...


Flower bean sandwiches

Weighted material reserves
Put water, cream, sugar, two-thirds of eggs, yeast, flour in a bowl and stir into a dough...


Red cream and whole wheat toast

All the ingredients of the yeast are mixed without particles, covered with a preservative film, refrigerated for more th...


Mexican tofu sandwich

Preparation of materials
The bread bucket is filled with water, salt, sugar, eggs, milk powder, flour, and flour in ...


Super cotton clay

The milk is poured into a special microwave bowl, heated on high heat for 50 seconds, removed to room temperature, added...


German meal packages

A simple German meal with ingredients...


The pineapple bag

Pineapple bags were the first kind of bread I ever ate, and the first thing that came to mind when I walked past any bakery was pineapple bags.Let's taste it together below!...


Blueberry and yogurt

The yogurt used in this pack is made from the fermented yogurt powder of the Eupet blueberry, and it tastes great!...


Chestnuts and tomatoes

I'm very happy that the baker's version of fresh milk tofu got a lot of likes from my friends the other day.Many of my friends have told me that they have successfully made a soft bread machine version of bread, and this news is my biggest encouragement, so today we continue to play dough and enjoy the joy of baking.Autumn is the most delicious season for chestnuts, this sweet and nutritious little fruit I can't get enough of, mixed with the last cooked chestnut filling and bought back sugar fried chestnuts to make...
