Egg and waffle bread

Mix the honeycomb milk and eggs, add the flour and yeast, and knead for about six minutes until the dough surface is sli...


Praise be to God

We ate it ourselves, and in order not to waste the leftovers, I made two kinds of dough: ten mini-doughs (with a ham in the middle) and six normal-sized doughs. ...


Black rice sauce

The most important thing on the weekend is to make bread or Chinese noodles and prepare Vincent's breakfast for the next week.I'm always looking for recipes, hoping to make better bread.I went to the supermarket on the weekend and bought some groceries, and suddenly I thought, can you make bread with black rice? Because black rice is a healthy food, it is rich in nutrients, it contains proteins, fats, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc. Its nutritional value is higher than ordinary rice.It significant...


No bread

Pour all the ingredients into a sealable container and stir until the powder is insensitive.
Cover and ferment at ro...


Milk and raisins

Last week I got my hands on a small oven, thought about finding a simple recipe for a small test knife, searched online for posts about small meal packages, prepared ingredients and did it myself, I didn't expect it to be a big success the first time, won the appreciation of the whole family, and also gave me a strong interest in baking!...


A small loaf of bread

Simple bread making - fun and easy to make!...


Mexican yogurt bread

It's better to enjoy the food at home than to go out in the car. ...


Walnut rum cake

The steps are very simple and delicious cakes, with a strong aroma of rum, and walnuts also play a crucial role in it. ...


Purple bread

I like purple potatoes, which are beautiful in color and are healthier than coarse grains.So there's always an innovative aspect, there's more black sesame in the house, so black sesame, white sesame will be more beautiful. ...


Pineapple bread

Mix high-fiber flour, yeast, milk, salt, eggs into a dough and put in a warm, moist place to ferment
When the dough ...


Ham and cheese bread

It is used to make soups.
Take 20 g of high-quality flour, add hot water, and stir continuously in the pot until wav...


Flowered coconut bread

I love to eat bread, some of them love coconut bread, when I was a kid I always dreamed that the bread in the bakery was mine, do you like it too? Come and do it with me. ...
