10 inches of tea cake

Let's see what a 10-inch hollow oven looks like when you put it in the oven.
Let's challenge each other to see if we...


Cranberry whipped cream cake

It is made by mixing 10 grams of milk thistle and sugar thistle oil evenly.
The low-powder foam powder is mixed thro...


Turtle cake

It is made by mixing 10 grams of milk thistle and sugar thistle oil evenly.
The low-powder foam powder is mixed thro...


Chocolate cake

It's been a long time since I've made a cake, I'm always afraid of eating sweets, so I control myself not to make sweets, but it's hot, I want to eat mousse cake, so I made this chocolate cake first, I made two, I ate one, and I can keep one to make mousse. ...


Butter and paper cupcakes

Recently, I learned a whole new way of spreading eggs, and after trying it out, I found that it's really much more useful than the original way of spreading eggs, and I believe it's also more suitable for beginners who are just starting out on the road to baking, so goodbye to the trouble of spreading eggs.Here we first use the word to make a comparison, the traditional whole egg spreading, is to put the whole egg in the bowl, add white sugar in stages, and spread directly, this method often has the problem that wh...


Light cheese cake

I like the taste of light cheese, but I always think that pure light cheese is a bit tasty, so later I found the recipe changed, into light cheese with yogurt, sour taste and some sweetness, it's more refreshing to eat. The little guy also likes the 6 inch cake, he can eat half of it himself!...


Carrot crispy cakes

This small cake is baked directly on the surface of the dough with red sugar, producing a roasted and crispy effect, with a very different flavor, recommended for everyone to try. ...


Red candy cake

Red dates and red sugar are very good foods, they have many benefits, especially for female friends, red dates and red sugar are very good nourishment and beauty products.It is said that three dates a day, youth never grows old.This sentence is enough to illustrate the powerful health benefits of red dates.Red dates can be used to make soup and cook porridge, so do you know how it can also be eaten? Below, rice pudding is served with a super delicious red sugar date paste cake, the finished product is rich in flavo...


Tea and almond cake

I love the slightly bitter taste and aroma of matcha tea.The fat man, in order to save money, made a large cake directly, adding tea powder and large almonds, and ate it with a faint tea flavor in his mouth. ...


The wind blows.

We know that Chiang Kai-shek is characterized by its delicacy and softness, and we often describe it as cloud-like delicacy.The delicacy and softness of the chicken cake is closely related to its moisture content.Hokkaido Chihuahua is an example of a high-egg Chihuahua, but it's a bit extreme.And hot noodles are another type of high-water, high-egg soup. ...


Sushi cake rolls

I like cake rolls, but I hate cream, so I liked this sushi cake roll."The fresh, non-greasy taste is suitable for hot summers." ...


The cherry blossom cake

The cherry blossom is a symbol of love and hope, representing graceful, simple, pure love.Although the cherry blossoms are not as beautiful as the peonies of the national color, the cherry blossoms also have the beauty of the national color, there is such a touching beauty, an unforgettable beauty.I've always loved the bright pink dreams of the cherry blossoms, the magnificence that fades after a brief period of splendor.Today's cherry blossom mousse cake is not just delicious on the tip of the tongue, it's more vi...
