Carrot juice and bread

Since the bread machine came to my house, my family has been eating more pasta than food! This is very rare in Hunan, where rice is the main food. How many classmates like me have not liked to eat carrots since childhood?Given the rich nutrition of carrots, we can eat them all the time, today's carrot bread is specially prepared for comrades who don't eat carrots!...


Mini bowl of bread

The weather forecast says it's going to snow today, and if it's true, it's going to be the first snow of the winter, and the cold weather in the morning makes you want to eat something with calories and energy, even if it's just one person who made this mini sandwich last night....


Bread with coconut flour

There's a bottle of coconut oil at home that I don't know how to use, and I invented this bread that kills coconut oil, super soft and delicious....


Freshly baked bread

This bread has a nice name called fresh milk cherry, when eating it, the tongue will be very disobedient to lick the filling inside, sweet silk, cold cold, the entrance is improvised, the smell of milk is strong.It's a bit like the caterpillar bread that you see in the bakery, but it's not exactly caterpillar bread -- my favorite -- so please note: the recipe is for four loaves of bread (I doubled it), eight loaves of fried bread, and four loaves of fried bread. ...


Onion and cheese bread

The most comforting thing about eating a good meal on a winter's windy day is eating breakfast at home with hot coffee or black tea in your hand, sitting at the table, watching the branches of the yard swaying, tapping the beans on the pad, choosing the jazz channel to the right volume, or just sitting quietly outside the window for ten minutes, the stray cat is eating the cat food I poured into its bowl....


A small meal pack of pumpkin cream

My mother bought a big pumpkin, and she drank pumpkin rice porridge almost every morning, and the pumpkin was so good to eat, it didn't add to the bread, it was a little sorry for her taste, and she opened a box of cream, which needed to be used as soon as possible, and the two combined, the taste came out fragrant and soft, very good to eat....


Brick toast bread

A few days ago, when I was chatting with my friend Haiyan, I saw her amazing brick toast, which was not only delicious, but also really great.I can't help but buy a mold, ask for a square, and do it myself.The heart of the braid is ugly, there is an impulse to throw it away, but the fermentation process is still controlled accurately, the bread is baked, it hides its own craftsmanship, the bread is made, it is indeed a beautiful brick, and it is a mixture of butter and flour scent, even if it was made last night, i...


Thank you very much.

She uses Danish bread dough, and her skin is smooth, soft on the inside, and very tasty on the inside. ...


Cheese and meat loaf

I was going to make a simple meat loaf, but then I saw a kilo of cheese in the fridge, and I said that I hadn't been able to make a pizza, and the ingredients didn't fit together, and I wanted to eat it, so I just cut some bread.At breakfast, I cut two of them and ate them, my best friend liked them very much, the dough was mixed until it was diffuse and fermented until it was definitely soft, and the meat was wrapped in the middle, and the top was sprinkled with corn, onions and cheese grains, so many ingredients ...


Sandwiches and toast

I think it's too sweet, I'm thinking of cutting it up and putting it in the bag, it's still good, I don't put much sugar in the bread, but it has a sour-sweet taste, it's not bad at all. ...


Christmas tree bread

The ingredients other than butter are mixed well, kneaded into a smooth dough, then softened butter is added, kneaded to...


Onion net bags

Onion net bags are like dumplings, wrapping delicious fillings inside, with a simple appearance.It's mainly divided into three parts: flour, butter, and filling, so don't be in a hurry to say much about the ingredients....
