Fresh shrimp pizza with bacon

The pizza sauce is very simple, based on the simple pizza sauce I used to make.The dough is only enough to make an 8-inch saucepan, and if you want to make more, you can double the original ingredients. ...


Italian pizza

Italian pizza is very simple, you can do it at home, this recipe is for two small pizzas, this time it's coarse, the next time you have a chance to make the whole thing beautiful, haha...


Beef rolls and pizza

Add high-fiber flour, fine sugar, salt, and olive oil to the container, add warm water and yeast-treated yeast water, an...


A simple chocolate cake

The beef oil is softened at room temperature, then the sugar is added.
Then use a fork to break the eggs, use the fo...


Cake rolls

Preparation of materials
Protein isolated from eggs
Spread the egg yolk, add the milk-colored oil, and stir even...


Green tea and mango cake

For the first time, I feel like I can still do it, but there are still a lot of shortcomings, and I hope you'll show me more, improve, improve....


Sponge paper cup cake

The ingredients are good, the flour is sifted three times.
Eggs are spread with sugar and water, the color turns whi...


Strawberry cake rolls

Protein egg yolk isolate
Add cooking oil to the egg yolk and stir.
Add milk and fine sugar to the mixture.


Tea and honey

This dessert is a meat pie made after an emotional collapse, the sweetness of the tea and the sweetness of the beans, always perfectly combined, like tears, like comfort.Or maybe you're not used to doing it, maybe you're too focused, maybe you're just too lazy.The recipe comes from your mother. ...



Preparing food
Eggs, sugar, and salt
Low-grade flour, cornstarch, and pulp added to the sieve
Added melted b...


Rainbow cake

For her third birthday, she made this special cake, took it to school and shared it with her classmates!...


Small cakes with pumpkin flavor

Pumpkin season, it's natural to make a cake theme.How many are you going to eat at once? The square provides the amount of seven small cakes.The process map shows the friendship of Mido's children. ...
