Squirrel cookies

It's very valuable, it's a gift for everyone, it's simple and it's fun. ...


Peanut frozen biscuits

There are a few bottles of peanut butter in the fridge, and I don't know how to eat them as soon as possible.I looked up a few recipes on the Internet, adjusted them a few times according to my preferences, and this recipe is more satisfying, and my friends say it's delicious.The most important thing is that this frozen biscuit can be made many times at once, freeze the biscuit blocks in the refrigerator, take out one when you want to eat it, thaw it slightly (you can move it, don't thaw it all, it's broken!)...


Butter and cookies

Weigh all the materials and be ready.
Butter softened to room temperature, sugar powder and salt added
Eggs can ...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

Milk with sugar, cooked over low heat until the sugar dissolves.
The butter is softened at room temperature and then...


A gift from a gentleman - a coffee cake

All materials are suitable for back-up, and the butter is pre-softened at room temperature.
Mix red sugar, sugar pow...


Sea cucumber cookies

Butter and white sugar mixed evenly until fluffy;
Add the milk and continue to cook;
Sift into a low-powder mixt...


Tea and cookies

Preparing the Materials
Add sugar and sugar powder to softened butter and stir and spread (must be stirred and sprea...


Tea-flavored biscuits shaped like peaches



This is the first time I've been able to do this.

I love the taste of soda biscuits, but I'm getting more and more soda biscuits on the market with added ghee, hydrogenated vegetable oils and preservatives, etc., which makes me look away.I don't know when to start, I'd rather choose to do it myself, use the nutritional knowledge I've learned to choose the ingredients, not only to be safe and hygienic, but also to be healthy, that's the food I want. ...


Exploding lemon cookies

Softened butter 115 g sugar 200 g eggs 2 concentrated lemon juice 3 g edible pigment yellow three drops bubble powder 6 ...


The biscuits.

Cut the butter into small pieces, soften and press with a scraper
Low-flour and bare wheat flour mixed with sieve


Orange peel cookies

Do you have a count of how many ways you've tried to make cookies?It's the season of eating oranges once a year, so let's make orange peel cookies this time, using some very simple ingredients, let's hurry up and try them, especially orange peel!...
