Spicy chicken wife cake

I made a lot of sweets, and my husband got tired of eating salty and spicy food. ...


Cabbage flower toast

The bread baked with coconut flour as a filling, has already smelled of coconut flour before it is baked.It's full of coconut, and you can't stop eating it.This portion can make two 450 grams of toast. ...


The orange toast.

The toast made with sugared orange peel tastes really good, and when it's cooked, it already smells like scented orange, a highly recommended toast, really good to eat.The following portion can make two 450 grams of toast...


Cream and salt toast

Toast doesn't have a shape, it looks easier to make, but to make a good toast, you really need some technology.Toast with a large amount of water will feel much softer, and the dough will also have to be cooked until it is fully expanded.Today's toast is salty, there's not much butter, and the toast with the cream smells good enough.Soft toast can be eaten directly or with some eggs and tomato slices for breakfast or afternoon tea, i.e. quick and delicious. ...


Strawberry paper cup cake

Some time ago, a fruit friend sent me some strawberry seedlings, planted them for a few days and felt no sign of life, so I didn't give up, sprayed them every day, and finally they all came back to life.Under my careful cultivation, the flowers have bloomed, and now there is a small harvest, whether it is eaten directly or as a dessert, it is very popular with the children in the family.Today it is used to make a cream paper cup cake, soft sponge base, with fragrant cream, fresh strawberries, i.e. beautiful and del...


My favourite macaroni

Ever since I met Makaron, I've been so in love with him that I can't help myself!...


The Black Forest cake

The Black Forest cake is one of the specialties of the Black Forest, the German word originally meaning "Black Forest cherry cream cake".It combines the sweetness of cherry sour cream with the sweetness of cherry wine to withstand the scrutiny of all tastes.The shape of this cake does not require a lot of kneading skills, because there is a chocolate chip decoration to cover, so students who are not good at baking flowers can try this method - cake base: whole egg juice 200g, low-fat flour 90g, cocoa powder 20g, fi...


Oil onion toast

Originally from Kim Dawan, it was shaped like a small bread, with a cross-section in the middle, the dough only needs to be mixed evenly, very convenient.The onions in the square are not fresh onions, but fried spicy onions, please note.I use the same kind of onion sauce that I use for my steak, and it's fried with red onions, so it tastes more spicy and spicy.If not, use purple onions and fry them.Because of the concave shape, the spherical shape is kept as complete as possible, so the amount of water is reduced b...


Spring and summer

The chocolate is gone.
Made into chocolate rolls
It's like a chocolate tree.
Making chocolate brownies, choc...


Portuguese eggs

A little caution from a grandmother to her husband...


Salted potatoes

Broccoli is perhaps most notable for its anti-cancer properties, as it contains more vitamin C than cabbage, tomatoes, and celery, and is especially effective against stomach and breast cancer.Broccoli also enhances the immune function of the body, and the vitamin C content of broccoli is very high, not only conducive to human growth and development, but more importantly, it can improve the immune function of the human body, promote liver detoxification, enhance human health, and increase resistance to disease.Pota...


Orleans fried wings

Wash the 10 wings with cold water and freeze them for 10 minutes.
Three knives on the wings of a chicken
