Washed sand flower bread

All materials except sand washing are placed in the wrapping machine and mixed evenly to the expansion stage.


Chickpea seed tea toast

Place the liquid material of the dough in the bottom of the wrapping machine;
Lay the powdered material on top;


Cranberry horn bread

Except yeast and additives.
Put it all in the barrel.
Menu 10 is dedicated to making dough.
The dough is kne...


Chocolate coconut bread rolls

Except for yeast and coconut, almond flakes.
Put all the materials in the bucket.
Put the yeast in the black buc...


Milk and cheese bread

How can I not try to make bread if I love to eat bread? The bread maker and the oven are really tiring....


A crispy cheese ham and salty bread

I like to experiment many times to adjust the recipe to the most satisfactory level, health comes first, taste comes second, so my recipe is to minimize sugar and oil, to control sugar and oil to a healthy range without affecting the production of bread, adding quality ham and cheese to the bread, the taste of freshly eaten bread is, bite down the crispy feeling is indescribable. ...


Rabbit bread

The last time I made a loaf of bread, it was so popular that it was eaten in an instant, so when I made it today, I doubled the amount, and after fermentation, the loaf of bread couldn't be filled, so it was pumped high.I wanted to make a cute rabbit bread, but when I made it, the ears were long, it felt like, after fermentation, the rabbit grew fat, the ears were short and thick, the little animals became three-dimensional, so let's call them rabbits, hip......


Hot dog bread

I bought a bread maker a long time ago, and besides making toast, I can also make small bread. ...


Brewing tofu

There's a story behind every dish, I remember when I didn't buy an oven, my mother used to make me fried tofu, fried on both sides with a thin layer of crispy skin, now with an oven, I studied fried tofu, although unlike fried tofu with two crispy skins, fried tofu just brings out the fresh taste of tofu, those with an oven can try it....


Cabbage bread

Medium: high flour 500 g yeast 5 g milk 250 ml mixed dough refrigerator fermentation overnight backup
1 g of leftove...


Baking machine sweet toast bread

Do it yourself, rest assured, no preservatives...


Toast from Hokkaido

The original comes from elegant baking, and I've made some adjustments based on personal preference. ...
