Purple toast

This toast is still cooked late at night, or rather, cooked more than one o'clock in the morning.Because it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon, I went to the supermarket to buy some purple potatoes, and I bought some daily necessities, and in the evening I had a meal with my friends, so it had to be fermented at normal temperature, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come back!This time, the bread was wrapped in a layer of tin paper on the outside of the bread bucket, which was really nice to look at, and the botto...


Bags of pineapple soup

Recently, I've been making bread, especially soup, because it's so soft and easy to handle.There's nothing simpler and more delicious than a pineapple wrapper with super soft tissue soaked in soup, coated with a layer of table pineapple skin, and a perfect collision of spicy and soft!...


Cream toast

It's been almost two years since I bought my bread maker, and I've never used it to make a loaf of bread.It used to be used only to knead the dough, and then it was taken out to be fermented, shaped, and then baked in the oven.I've been so lazy lately, I don't want to organize anything, so I thought I'd study the function of this bread maker.There are many different ways to make bread, and I've tried many times to finally make such a decent toast, so let's record it.Ingredients: 350 g of high starch flour, i.e. 4 g...


Dried raisins

I didn't eat breakfast that day, I went to a chain bakery to buy a loaf of bread, oh my God, a fist-sized loaf of bread is seven dollars, it's very expensive, it's a crime to eat it, what is this for me who makes bread!So today I made a super delicious coconut stew, and we both love the taste of coconut stew, and it smells great when it's baked, and I really enjoyed it.Because I didn't want to make it too sweet, and I was afraid that the bread wouldn't be sweet enough, so I put some raisins in the bread, which was ...


Portuguese sweet bread

In addition to its soft texture and round appearance, the most prominent feature of this bread is the taste of milk powder.Two oils, unsalted butter and vegetable oil.Bread baked in butter is the softest in texture.Nevertheless, there is no intention of storing butter.Butter with two oils combined.Three spices: lemon, orange, and vanilla.Not at all.I don't have the habit of preparing perfume, I can't think of anything necessary, even the bread for the apprentice baker.It's better to add a little bit of vanilla seed...


Andama bread

The first loaf of bread made by the apprentice baker.The traditional recipe for this bread is to use a direct method, but this time I used a dipping solution and sponge yeast to evoke more flavor in the grain.Impregnation is another name for yeast.It is a yeast-free yeast, usually made from coarsely processed grains such as cornstarch, rye flour, or crushed wheat, which is soaked overnight in milk or water to activate the enzymes in the grains, release some of the sugars trapped in the starch, and soften the coarse...


Counterfeit perfume packs

Surface material: 25 grams of wheat flour, 75 grams of warm milk, mixed evenly, placed in a bag or bag for preservation,...


Honey beans and tea toast

After the success of the toaster, which was very well received by my family, I fell in love with the pillows that the toaster gave me.It's hot in the summer, come and have a fresh taste of tea, add honey beans and you can taste the tea, it's sweet and refreshing!...


Purple bread rolls

The purple potatoes I bought in the supermarket the other day, they were big, because my husband had been in the hospital for a few days, he didn't want to eat them, today they were all steamed in an electric pressure cooker.It's beautiful, isn't it? This purple potato looks better than the dark purple one I bought before.It's very tasty, you can eat it as a main course, it's easy to choke on people. Oh, when you eat it, you have to make sure that you have a glass of water in front of you!It's much better than plai...


Soups and sandwiches

In Japanese, it means "warm face" or "rare face".Soup and other ingredients used in bread, bread made by stirring, fermenting, shaping, and baking are called soup bread.The biggest difference between soup bread and other breads is that starch paste increases water absorption, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which can delay aging.Soy sauce ring bread is a round dough wrapped in soy sauce, flattened, fried a few times and then twisted into a flower shape, soy sauce spread on top of the dough, my fa...


Open your mouth and smile.

All the ingredients are mixed in a cluster, refrigerated and fermented for 17 hours.
Tear the medium into small piec...


Wrapped in flowers

All the ingredients are mixed in a cluster, refrigerated and fermented for 17 hours.
It is made from coconut.
