A crispy chocolate puff

Pineapple peel method low starch flour and cocoa powder mixed with sieve butter softened and then added white sugar stir...


6 inch sponge cake

I've heard that it's hard to send whole eggs, so I've been dying to make a mousse cake for my nephew until yesterday, and I've only got three eggs left in my house, and I've put a whole egg in the bowl, and I can't help but change my strategy to make sponge cake!...


Lava chocolate

Melting butter and dark chocolate separately
Add sugar to slightly stirred eggs
Pour the egg juice into the butt...


Cheesecake and chocolate

make cake, put together butter ,sugar in a bowl whisk until light and creamy.beat in egg and whisk again until mixing we...


The six-inch cake

My son likes to eat cake, buy it unhealthy, do it yourself....


A crisp and delicious cocoa puff

As a baker, in order to show my true love, I have to know where the pastry comes from.Puff, which originated in Italy, is actually a creamy chocolate and even ice cream wrapped in a creamy pastry with holes in it. It is said to have been invented by the French queen Catherine de Medici, who came from Italy.It is said that because Hamilton cream and Hamilton cake entered the hall of the wedding, there was a Hamilton cream cake.And the bread that loves the cream of the crop can only bury the love in its heart and tur...


Cake rolls

Separation of protein from egg yolk
The milk and corn oil mixture is heated (warm enough) and then sifted into a low...


Flower cream cake

Fluffy, soft, cloud-like cake body, lemon-flavored cream and light cream, double satisfaction of sight and taste. ...


Orange cup cake

Super simple paper cups, small cakes, very small squares, just to solve my breakfast, the recipe is about the size of four small cakes. ...


A basket of pork and a long giraffe cake roll.

When you see a giraffe, you think of Lee Kuan Yew, what's your favorite Korean phrase?...


Poppy seed red sugar pound cake

I couldn't help it, as a seed-loving family, I immediately went home and changed it myself, just made a fat cake full of black sugar cubes and poppy seeds....


The meatballs.

This meat soup is made using the traditional old-fashioned method of peach soup, with a slightly salty taste, and is delicious and not at all fattening.If you're tired of dessert, be sure to try this salty meatloaf, it's really delicious. ...
