Bags of pineapple soup

Recently, I've been making bread, especially soup, because it's so soft and easy to handle.There's nothing simpler and more delicious than a pineapple wrapper with super soft tissue soaked in soup, coated with a layer of table pineapple skin, and a perfect collision of spicy and soft!...


Walnut and peanut toast

Walnuts are known in the country as the treasures of longevity, and peanuts are also known as the fruits of longevity, both of which have outstanding brain health effects and rich nutritional value, especially for high school students with the strongest mental work, brain replenishment is the most suitable. ...


Smoked bread

Smoked bread, a very loving breakfast.Small, round, bumpy, that's what I like about this style! Freshly baked small bread, golden butter bright skin, tempting cream smell, teaches people to lick three feet.What are you waiting for? Immediately start, three or two mouths will eliminate one, another will come, very soon.The point of the day is in the morning, breakfast is to eat well, to eat well. ...


Crowned bread

Birthday bread.I don't want to make cream cake.On a summer day like this, the cream melts very easily, making people busy and confused.Moreover, the cream cake is not as thick as the pound cake, after all, the fat content is still relatively high, so try not to eat as little as possible.And after making a cake, you have to think about where the leftover cream goes.This is the kind of thing that even the cream doesn't bother to prepare.But there's always something to say.Why is cream cake the star of the festival? W...


A small bread made with coconut milk

In fact, last year I saw a lot of people making a small loaf of bread, and when I saw that others were so proud of it, I was curious, I always wanted to try it, but I couldn't do it until today, I was lazy!Don't underestimate the moisture at the bottom, it's a very sweet coconut milk mixture, it's the equivalent of dipping in refined milk and eating bread, it's really delicious, you won't regret it.I borrowed from other people's methods, and I changed it a little bit, from the inside to the outside to the foam, I u...


The practice of whole wheat bread

Whole wheat bread, a must-have for breakfast! After a night of nutritional consumption, the vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body can be replenished in time at breakfast, which is very beneficial for health.Eat a whole wheat bread! Full of energy all day!...


Cabbage flower bread

Today is a slow, leisurely day, baking is a sweet life, enjoy the process, enjoy the taste of the finished product.Bread is my favorite baked food at home, fermented foods are rich in vitamin B12, especially vegetarians, and eating more fermented foods is important for human health.My baking is always less oil and less sugar, not only reduces energy intake, but also develops good eating habits, I'm used to baking with less oil and sugar, the baking sold outside is really not edible.The recipe for this bread comes f...


Honey and glutinous rice snacks

Recently, babies love to eat meals, so they often make them at home, they eat two or three at a time, breakfast is good, they have their favorite cranberries, sour, sweet and sour cranberries, they are very good to eat, they are good and then they are put in the community of mothers, many babies are very good, they can make such delicious and beautiful bread at home, hip hip;;;;...


Hot dogs

The bread that is everywhere in the streets, the bread that is never eaten, just because of the meat.In fact, this bread has meat as its main dish, and a little bit of vegetables is all it takes.It is also understandable that there are no vegetables, vegetables are easy to eat, and it is not as easy to keep the taste as hot dog intestines.Family production, ready-to-eat, can naturally make up for this shortage.However, I don't intend to make a home version with vegetables.Bread plus hot dogs, this is the most commo...


Honey toast

This toast is based on honey toast, with the addition of some liquid fermented with rice wine, thus reducing the amount of yeast powder, while the liquid made with rice wine, fermented for a long time, also makes the flavor of the flour more prominent.There's also the fact that it doesn't use sugar, but instead uses honey, which makes the toast healthier. ...


Whole wheat paper cup bread

The so-called whole-wheat flour, which is flour that has completely preserved the peel of wheat and the milling of the wheat germ, so you can see a lot of small grains of wheat flour, and it is also rough in texture, but it contains rich coarse fibers, vitamins E and B, and minerals such as zinc and potassium.Therefore, bread made with whole wheat flour has a higher nutritional value than ordinary white bread, and also has a faint wheat flavor. ...


Whole wheat flour toast

Today's whole wheat and fruit toast, without a drop of oil, with a little bit of wheat germ, is also in line with the current trend of nutrition and health.A few easy steps, plus a patient wait, and in less than four hours, you can enjoy a nutritious, healthy and delicious European toast. ...
