Small bags of cream

All the ingredients are mixed, except for the butter, stirred to the expansion stage, covered with a preservative film, ...


Coconut bread rolls

Except for butter, all the ingredients are put into the bread machine.
Connect to the network, start the bread maker...


Super cotton clay

The milk is poured into a special microwave bowl, heated on high heat for 50 seconds, removed to room temperature, added...


Egg toast

When I made the marble tea honey cake, I had a lot of egg whites left over, and I added some egg juice, and I made an egg toast, and I said, "This egg toast is so powerful, it's so tall, it's overwhelming, it's overwhelming".But this toast is full of juice and flour, it smells good, it tastes soft, and it's not like any other toast.In the morning, I cut it for my girlfriend and put peanut butter on it, and the little guy loved it so much that he asked me to bring her a piece when I picked her up from kindergarten a...


Bakery version of dried oatmeal toast

This toast is made with raisins and dried oats, which are rich in nutrients and are a good choice for making bread in addition to adding milk. ...


Whole blueberry bread

Here's an offer for a summer blueberry....


Purple milk and spinach bags

I've been studying baking for a while now, and this is the fourth time I've made bread, and it's better, but the first time I made bread, it was hard and it didn't taste good.The second is that it's over-fermented, it's more sour, it's heavier, and it's not good to eat.The third attempt failed, and the previous failure was better than the second attempt.This time it's better not to shrink, not to shrink, not to shrink, not to shrink, not to shrink, not to shrink....


Black diamond bread

1 Put the liquid material first.
2 Add powder and yeast.
Start two face-to-face procedures for a total of 40 min...


Coconut bread

Preparation of materials
The post-oil method mixes the material into an elastic dough.
Covered and fermented at ...


Cream of the crop

It is a traditional English snack, and if classified accordingly, it should fall into the category of plain bread.However, it's more of a snack for afternoon tea.With a cup of black tea, it feels delicious, and on the basis of this recipe, you can make a lot of different flavors of sushi. ...


Fresh milk bread with dates

I've been putting it away for a long time, and I'm not going to put it away again.Teacher Meng's red bean sandwich was adapted into a fresh milk sandwich.The filling can be changed at will.There is no pepper, there is no red bean sand, it can be exchanged for date paste, purple potato paste, red bean paste...All sorts of things that can be stuffed.It's just a different taste.The most readily available is the dates and beans, so you can eat the dates and beans bread.There's no yogurt in the dough, this one can be ha...


Oatmeal and banana cakes

Recently, I've been eating whole-wheat cakes and bread, and the smell of natural purity really makes you want to eat them.Before making this cake, I was thinking of adding some coarse grains to the cake dough, but when I looked around, I found that the whole wheat flour, black wheat flour, wheat flour, etc. were all gone.I was going to do it all with wheat flour, but I suddenly thought of the Visme full-nutrient wall-breaking cooking machine I got in the previous episode.It's said to be very powerful, so use it to ...
