Depp's oven recipe is handmade.

Raw materials
Pour the flour, sugar, and yeast into the stirring vessel and mix slowly for 1 min;
Add the eggs a...


Watermelon biscuits

This time it's to help a colleague's child make cookies, and in order for the child to like it, it's natural to make a little effort in the design.I've seen similar designs online before, but I haven't tried them, so I'm going to try them this time.But after all, it's something that children eat, and the coloring gods don't think about it, it's just that there's matcha powder and red curry powder at home, which are all natural things, and it's just used to color the watermelon cookies made this time. ...


The opera cake

Gently rub the surface of the almond cake embryo with your finger, removing the hair from the edge into four equal parts...
