The classic gingerbread cranberry cookie

It's a simple, easy-to-make, delicious cookie that doesn't need to be shaped like a cookie, and it doesn't need to be shaped like a cookie.It's better for people like me who are too busy with work and need to save time, I often do a little more at a time, put it in the fridge, freeze it, take it out a little softer when needed, cut it into pieces and put it in the oven, it's easy to save money.So I've marked the amount of material a little bit more, and my 30-liter oven can bake up to four plates....


The Christmas Gingerbread House

After heating the milk, add 60 g of white sugar to the red sugar.
The sugar is fully dissolved, then added to the lo...


Gingerbread House and its partners as Christmas gifts

The strong Christmas atmosphere with the Christmas tree and the socks hanging on the door to receive gifts is naturally the most characteristic of the gingerbread.It is not difficult to make molds with some characteristics, which are best suited to create a thick Christmas atmosphere.It's been too long since I've updated.Happy Christmas to all in advance. ...


Beef cakes

Mix 150 grams of flour and 80 ml of vegetable oil together to make a paste.
Mix 200 grams of flour, 40 ml of vegetab...


The Gingerbread House

For Christmas 2013, decide to do something meaningful at home, like make a gingerbread house...When I was a little girl, my dream was to live in a candy house, but now I can finally build my own gingerbread house.It's the first time I've made a gingerbread house, and I'm looking forward to it.Today is a peaceful night, and according to our custom here, we have to wait until 12 o'clock.Merry Christmas to you all.God Jul!...


Candy and gingerbread house

For the daughter, Christmas is always eagerly awaited because of the arrival of the mysterious husband in the story, because she can receive special and heartfelt gifts.Mystery is a special surprise, and I really want to satisfy her, so every year Christmas is the day that hurts my head the most.At the beginning of the month, I started planning to make her a nice-looking gingerbread house full of candy.Making this gingerbread house comes from my daughter's love of her own little house and her obsession with candy.I...


A bite of soy sauce

Maybe it's because it's been so hot lately, I don't have much of an appetite, I haven't had a good lunch, and I like to eat snacks in the afternoon.There are too many additives in snacks bought outside, or you can eat them yourself with confidence, so in your spare time you often make all kinds of small snacks.This is a piece of tofu that I made yesterday, and it's a very good Chinese dish.The recipe refers to the users of the circle of mothers, the flower of the flower, the outside of the cake is crispy, the insid...


Sweet biscuits

When it's done, it feels good.No pictures prepared in advance.It's just what it looks like after it's done.Sorry about that....


Cat's claw cookies

Butter is dissolved in insulating water and mixed with sugar powder.
Add one egg and continue stirring evenly.


Sugar cream peanuts without fried starch - super simple

When I was a kid, I used to eat peanuts with sugar cream, and this year I learned the simplest recipe from my neighbor's grandfather, it tastes better than when I was a kid, and it's a little bit cleaner than the clean hygiene I bought outside.There is no need to fry sugar and wrap starch, the process is very simple. ...


Casual teas and cashew biscuits

The usual moon cake moulds are four different shapes, so you can make a bunch of beautiful cookies with different patterns... this cookie has a lot of cashew nuts, especially good to eat, the nutritional value of cashew nuts is high, mainly because cashew nuts contain various proteins and fats that are easily absorbed by the human body, as well as vitamins.Baking a few cashew cookies for family and friends, making kung fu tea, eating side dishes, healthy and delicious snacks......


The Gingerbread House

It is said that at the time of the Crusades, ginger was an expensive imported spice, so it was only used on important holidays such as Christmas and Easter.Ginger is added to cake biscuits to add flavor and has a cooling effect.Over time, gingerbread became a snack associated with Christmas, with godfathers and godmothers sending gingerbread in various shapes to children on this day, or sneaking it into the children's anticipated socks.There is also a legend in the UK that unmarried women who eat gingerbread will m...
