Authentic Shaanxi mountain noodles

What is your family's rice? Chicken, duck, fish, and beef? For the people of Shaanxi, rice is rice.Of these, only one bowl of noodles is the most anticipated, and the importance of noodles in the hearts of the people of Shaanxi is no less than that of noodles.Every year, the people of Shaanxi come to the south to kill pigs, to fish, to cook fish, so as a native of Shaanxi, if you don't pack a big pot of noodles, it's too much to say.The people of Shaanxi call the manufacture of chopsticks chopsticks.Since dumplings...


Cranberry grapefruit cookies

Butter softened at room temperature, sugar powder added and colored as shown
Add 2 eggs and mix with butter.


Shinjuku pizza with red fire

The versatility of pizza is that it is free to add all kinds of ingredients, whatever is in the fridge, whether it's vegetables, seafood, bacon, baked in the oven, with cheese, whatever you want to eat -- the failure rate is basically zero.It's delicious and fulfilling.Do it now!...


Pizza with crispy corn

Before I didn't play baking, I always thought pizza was delicious and mysterious, but after touching it, I found out that such a high-end pizza is so simple, it can be praised every time.You can make a delicious pizza with or without a baking base, how about that? Are you excited? Come and do it with me....


The emerald silk

Do you remember when I was a kid, I loved the fairy tale of the Green Berets? Oh, put your hair down and let me put it up! At that time, I didn't understand why the mother of the Green Berets would risk losing her daughter and eat the witch's berets. Oh, when I held a plate of emerald-colored cold silk in my hand, I suddenly realized that the deliciousness of the original Green Berets was irresistible, everyone on earth knew it, so the Green Brothers would choose it from countless vegetables!...


Homemade strawberry sauce

Wash the strawberries, cut the big ones into pieces, the small ones don't need to be processed
Stir evenly with whit...


Homemade fruit peels

It is rich in nutrients and contains almost all the nutrients of the fruit, especially organic acids and vitamin C.It has anti-cancer properties such as digestive accumulation, blood circulation, and anti-cancer properties.It can be eaten directly, or it can be made into slices, or it can be made into cake, or it can be made into sauce, etc.It is the easiest food to make at home.Today I'm going to show you my goddamn skin!...


Chickens and ducks

I'm sure you've all eaten it, it's relatively simple to make, and it's a delicious dish that can be eaten as a snack.If you have time at home, you can do it yourself, it's delicious and reassuring....


Tofu for chickens

Oil in the pot
Two eggs.
The eggs are fried.
Put it in tofu.
Tofu and eggs are fried to a crisp.


New Orleans fried wings

Preparation of seasonings
35 grams of flour and 35 grams of water in a paste
Clean the chicken wings, control th...


Italian meat sauce

Italian noodles, also known as Italian noodles, are the closest thing to Chinese eating habits in Western cuisine.There are many varieties of noodles, each with its own name and varying length, and the empty-hearted variety is referred to by some Chinese-speaking speakers as whole-hearted flour.It's very thick and delicious! It's very thick and delicious!...


Coconut and pumpkin cakes

Pumpkins contain starch, protein, carotenoid, vitamin B, vitamin C, and calcium phosphate, among other ingredients.Pumpkins are not only of high nutritional value.It also has a significant therapeutic effect.According to the herb: pumpkin is warm, tastes sweet and non-toxic, enters the spleen, stomach, can lubricate the lungs, expels pus, detoxifies insects, treats cough and asthma, treats lung and constipation, and is beneficial for urine and beauty.In recent years, domestic and foreign medical experts and scholar...
