European whole wheat bread

In anticipation and hope, the requested Petri bread machine was finally sent to my hand.I'm not a baker, and I've never touched a baking machine before, so I can't make a comparative assessment, but as a small white person, I'm sharing my most authentic experience with you, hoping that my friends who are new to baking like me can refer to it. ...


Praise be to God

We ate it ourselves, and in order not to waste the leftovers, I made two kinds of dough: ten mini-doughs (with a ham in the middle) and six normal-sized doughs. ...


Marble bread

The color of the bread feels too monotonous.Add some color.There's also a small purple potato cooked in a bread maker and noodles.It's a little bit more complicated, but it's a little bit more complicated.But don't be afraid to make yourself happy.The expectation is the effect.What is the meaning of the name?It's working fine.It's not for nothing that it's so rare.The resulting bread is unleavened, but the taste and color are still beautiful. ...


Bread and butter

I've been baking for about a year now, and I'm getting more and more interested in baking....


Sweet bread

Pour in the milk, vegetable oil, and salt.
Finally, dig a small hole in the flour and pour it into the yeast.


DIY sausage bread

I'm using the last ingredient, and it's more solid than the food additive bread on the outside, not to mention it's more solid than the bread on the outside....


Caterpillar sausage rolls

Girls like to eat noodles, a bit of a northern gene.I was getting ready to make the noodles, and I just saw the sausages I've been buying all day.I used to make sausage rolls, and my daughter said they were delicious, so why don't we make sausage rolls again, so we can have meat for breakfast? ...


Easy bread made with rice

First, add the yeast, milk, eggs, and sugar to the flour, and the dough, then put it in a pan to ferment, and when you'r...


Bacon and stick bread

In addition to butter, so the material is placed in the packing machine, the selection and kneading procedure is set twi...


Large Lebanese

This is a healthy, low-sugar, low-fat, low-fat staple....


Bread of Caesar the Great

Cut the bread in half and prepare it.
Cut the cabbage into small pieces, slice the ham, slice the bacon, slice the b...


Purple bread

Purple potatoes, my favorite purple potato, are rich in proteins, starches, fructose, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins, and many minerals, as well as being rich in trace elements and trace elements.Purple potatoes are rich in nutrients and have special health functions, and their protein amino acids are very easily digested and absorbed by the human body.It is rich in vitamin A, which improves vision and mucous epithelial cells of the skin, vitamin C, which normalizes the synthesis of collagen proteins, prevents th...
