It's a cute little cake, and it's a little bear, and it's a little cat.

My baby loves small cars.I put cream on the paper cup cake.I drew my own car.The first cream coating.I'm sorry about the painting....


Homemade strawberry sauce cake rolls

For the little girl who doesn't like to eat eggs, who doesn't like to eat bread, who wants to eat noodles for breakfast every day, this is the cake roll that she wants to eat for breakfast....


The strawberry tower

Strawberry season is coming to an end, and the most I've made this year is strawberry cream cake.I had a collective birthday with my colleagues, a birthday cake for my colleagues' mothers, a spring cruise cake, all strawberry cream cake, I really love strawberry cake, it's pink, it's pink, it looks good and it's delicious.Today with a strawberry tower to end the strawberry season with a dessert! I want to say that this strawberry tower is a very special dish, I made an eight-inch, four-four-inch, I went out to dinn...


Pumpkin cream soup

Pumpkin cream soup is a simple and easy homemade soup.Because pumpkins are rich in vitamin B, cream contains calcium and protein, which are essential ingredients for a child's growth and can help a baby grow healthy.The lovely milky yellow soup, combined with the milky scent of cream, makes this pumpkin soup a nutritious breakfast full of colors and flavors, and also a good afternoon dessert. ...


Eastern European salted salmon

Gravlax, literally translated as salt stain, is an Eastern European dish that is wrapped in sea salt and yellow sugar and pressed to dehydrate the salmon.Salted salmon has a tighter flesh and a stronger fishy flavor.The salting is accompanied by a variety of spices to further enhance the flavor of the fish!...


Creamy oyster soup

A specialty of the New England region of the United States...


Meat and flour mixed with flour

Last night, my dad told me to get rid of the goose meat in the house, but it looked greasy.I thought I had an expired heart powder at home and bought two days' worth of autumn flowers, and we just sorted it out together. ...


Curry apple pork chops

Wash the pork slices, sprinkle the salt and pepper powder, and marinate for a while; wash the onion heads, ginger, and g...


The emerald eagle

First, the green beans are cooked in water into a bean paste, then some granular icing sugar and chestnut flour are mixe...


The practice of egg pudding

Dry 150 grams of sugar until it turns yellow, add water to make sugar juice, and pour it into the pudding mold.
The ...


Egg and tomato salad

Wash the onion heads, green peppers, red peppers, and celery leaves, cut them into small pieces, put them in cold boilin...


Homemade pasta

When you get home, boil a pot of water, wait for the water to boil, wash the onions and broccoli, cut them into pieces, ...
