Cotton cake

It has a soft, sponge-like taste and a strong egg aroma....


Cake with maple syrup

Maple sugar is the most distinctive product of Canada, the country of the maple leaf, which is made by drilling holes in tall sugar maple trees to extract the juice and cooking it.It is said that Canada has a famous maple avenue from Quebec City in the east, along the St. Lawrence River in the west to Niagara Falls, an area of 800 kilometers spread over tens of thousands of sugar factories, large and small, producing 32,000 tons of maple sugar annually, accounting for more than 80% of the world's total production.M...


Chocolate banana rolls from Tokyo

The last time I made a Tokyo banana cake roll, a lot of people liked it, and a lot of my friends asked me to try the spotted Tokyo chocolate banana cake roll again, so JuJu came back in the morning after seeing the dentist and messed around until now, and finally made the leopard-colored Tokyo chocolate banana cake roll. ...


Thousand layers of curry cake

Mille crêpe is a French dessert.Juju has also uploaded the recipe for curry cake, so today's task is to make a thousand layers of curry cake stacked together, not only the ingredients and the recipe are simple, but the curry cake has a strong taste combined with aromatic chocolate sauce....


Pear pudding cake

Flognarde is a famous dessert in the Limousine region of France, mainly a pudding-flavored cake made with pears and egg yolk, other common ones are also cloves made with cherries.Nyudo's mouthfeel is as delicate and smooth as a pudding, and the baked pears take the aroma of the entire cake to a higher level.To be honest, because the process is very simple, the first time JuJu made this cake, the expectations for him were not so high, as a result, after trying it, he was instantly conquered by its deliciousness, it ...


Sponge cake in a bowl

My son loves to eat pork chops, and he eats them every time he sees them.After working for a long time, my son came home and was very nice, so I asked him if he wanted to make a cake, and he took it to the second floor.He didn't mess around when I made the cake, he just sat on the stool and watched me make it.I was going to eat the slices like this, but I saw that there were a lot of unwrapped meatballs, so I made a meatball cake with salad dressing for my son.This guy loves it so much, he eats a lot of it by himse...


Strawberry yogurt and mousse cake

Strawberry yogurt mousse, made several times a year, has a faint strawberry flavor, is super smooth, and is loved by friends young and old. ...


Banana muffins

In the blink of an eye, it's spring, and I miss the sea of flowers in the spring; the cherry blossoms, the tulips, the oak trees; and my favorite lavender...The classic muffin, not only tastes like a fragrant pastry, but also reminds you of the past...Recalling the past of childhood, the childhood of primary school; the rebellion of secondary school; the work challenges faced in entering society...It's the smell I miss the most..Family membersThe taste....


The cranberry muffin

The other day we had guests, several children, who made some biscuits, eggs, and this little muffin cake, which was very popular, and the little guys were eager to eat it, not only because they liked these little paper cups, but also because they liked the cranberries inside. ...


Cappuccino cakes

The cake is cut into two slices, cut into a mousse circle, and wrapped in tin foil at the bottom of the mousse mold.


Banana dishes

Bananas are high in nutrients, low in calories, contain phosphorus, known as the salt of wisdom, and are rich in protein, glucose, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. They are also high in dietary fiber, making them quite a nutritious food.An energy drink made by a fat man with banana-flavored ingredients to give energy to his beloved wife. ...


The mini pumpkin pudding cake

When summer comes, women who want to eat something light, simple, delicious and not lacking in a romantic atmosphere, Juju shares a very simple, but very light and delicious super-emotional dish - pumpkin pudding cake, JuJu believes that girls will especially like this French dish....
