Shuffle light cheese cake

If you want to eat cheese and you're afraid of getting fat, then this cake is definitely a benefit for you, it replaces cream cheese with yogurt, it's the same as yogurt, and it doesn't add butter, hey, first of all, the yogurt preparation method, I make it with my own handmade yogurt, first I make 570 g of yogurt, then I filter the moisture with gauze or kitchen paper, that's the original yogurt, when I make yogurt there is no sugar, the sugar is added afterwards....



The big picture (^_^)
Mix everything together to make the eggs smoother and filter them.
Pour into seven eggs an...


Milk and butter

List of food items
Milk, water, white sugar, salt, and butter are thrown together into the pot, cooked over medium h...


Coconut and pumpkin pie

The weather is getting cold, the heating is not yet fully open, the room is not yet warm, on a winter afternoon, a piece of dessert and a cup of hot tea, giving a warm comfort, a spicy pumpkin pie is the best choice at this time, even if a person is stunned with a cup, seeing a beautiful pumpkin pie will make the mood happy;...


Oil-free oatmeal cake

I can't use sugar because of Dukan's weight loss, so I use 2 grams of aspartame instead of sugar.Others use sugar.During Dukan, there is no oil, no sugar, and no starch, so this is also done to satisfy the mouths of those who do not eat flour.It's delicious, and it's delicious to eat, but it's nothing compared to a steak cake. ...


The cranberry muffin cake

Muffin cake is a small cake that is more solid in taste, when it comes out of the oven, the surface should be thick and crispy, and the inside should be softer than the outer skin. If it is cooled, it will become hard (baked out and shared with the family (*)), and the baking time will also become hard....


Hello kitty, what's going on?

I made a two-year-old birthday cake for my baby girl, and I combined a lot of ingredients, and I ended up making my own, and it was a success.It's not going to go out of the water....


Thank you for the pumpkin pie.

I've never had pumpkin pie before, let alone Thanksgiving, but since I started learning to bake, I've been looking forward to all kinds of holidays, making all kinds of delicious food, for family, for friends....


Cake of the wind

Preparation of materials
Various ingredients are served in proportion.
Sifting powder
Separate egg yolk prot...


Fruit yogurt and frozen cheese

Recently, a lot of my colleagues and friends had birthdays, and they were basically making a cake the next day, and there was no oven in the house, so they were making unroasted frozen cheese with fruit toppings, which was delicious and beautiful....


Taste the sweet macaroons of a girl's breast

It is said that the macaroni is a girl's breast, which is due to its taste, soft and delicious, it is said that the lace seduction is its appearance, the beautiful skirt edge.The name of macaroni is of French origin, but it is an Italian dish that flourished in the romantic country of France, so it is inevitable that it is accompanied by many romantic plots.Macaroni is known as the most expensive dessert, the ingredients are meticulous, the work is more meticulous.Almond flour is chosen to be delicate, and the colo...


Light cheese cake

The ingredients are ready, the egg yolk is separated, and the egg yolk container must not have water.
The cheese is ...
