Cranberry biscuits without cranberries - super detailed

I've only got a third of the butter left, but I'm determined to make it. It's not a small problem. It's hard for me to make it....


The market price of pocket biscuits in Taiwan is 60-100 yuan per kilogram.

On the food street in Taiwan, this pocket cookie sells for about 6-10 yuan 50 grams, such an expensive cookie is actually very simple to make, I basically restored the taste of the pocket cookie, and improved the recipe to make this chocolate-flavored pocket cookie.This cookie has no additives or oil, and can be used as a snack during meals, and babies can brush their teeth.Since it is a biscuit cut from two overlapping pieces of dough, it can be split in half, it is fun to eat, and it can also exercise the baby's ...


Red sugar oatmeal biscuits

Weight of oats
Salt + baking soda + low-powder screening
Corn oil is gently stirred until slightly white, added ...


Margaret with chocolate

Suddenly, there were a lot of eggs in the house...Of course, even if the promotion doesn't come out, just make some margarita, just consume the egg yolk and it tastes really good, it's quite delicious with milk or coffee and black tea!...


Red sugar oatmeal cookies

Mix red sugar, white sugar and corn oil and stir thoroughly.
Add a whole egg, stir evenly, stir until smooth


Bread crumbs

The flowers are in bloom, you only owe spring one, sweet date. ...


Pizza from Alsace

Flammekueche crisp pizza is a very famous specialty of northern France, mainly in Alsace. Due to its proximity to Germany, this pizza, called Flammkuchen in German, is also common in Germany. The most basic flammekueche uses onions and bacon, and the crispy skin is its greatest specialty, so its crisp to extremely delicious aroma makes it popular on the European continent. ...


Pizzas with grilled mushrooms

I used to make fresh shrimp noodles with coconut milk, and I thought maybe it would be better to make pizza with coconut milk, so I tried it, and it was really good.It's very special, it's very tasty, the family says that this pizza is different from the previous ones, I can't tell where, it has a stronger taste....


Vanilla white chocolate mousse

I used to think that just because you're a muse, you have to be a Gaelic.After trying this square, I felt that the chocolate mousse could have been made without gillotine, and without gillotine the taste would have been lighter. ...


Oreo unroasted cheesecake

Her friends love it, and now she's going to work.To comfort her, I first learned to learn. ...


The egg.

Purchased skins, defrosted spare parts.
The milk is heated, sugared, and the cream is stirred until it melts.


Cream paper cup cake

This is a paper cup cake made from someone else's cream cake, and I've made six large paper cups, and I recommend making more with smaller paper cups, so it looks better....
