Naked fruit cake

I made a naked cake for my birthday, and the naked cake is really simple for beginners with a level of zero, without the dough and the flowers, and it looks good, and I chose my favorite mango as the main one.Come and taste my birthday cake.... ...


Cocoa cake

The material
Protein, egg yolk separated
Egg yolk with sugar
Fuel and water after mixing evenly
Flour an...


Newt and I

In fact, I've been thinking about this dish for a long time, and today I finally put it into action, and the taste really satisfies me, especially the golden-yellow attractive skin is irresistible. ...


Light cheese birthday cake

It's not for nothing, even though all of our yesterday's creativity is not reflected in today's cake, but the finished product, we're still quite satisfied, I'm sure we'll do better next time!...


Honey cake

Mix honey and sesame oil in a large bowl of hot water and stir evenly.
Eggs and sugar put together.
Send the egg...


A cup of mousse with a cake

Speaking of butter and cheese waterproofing, I'm using cheese with jelly beans.
So don't mix it up.
It needs to ...


Waterless honey cake

Mix white sugar and honey.
Hit four eggs.
Sending whole eggs with an egg beater
The powder is sifted in the ...


Carrot cheese and walnut cake

First put the walnuts in a 180-degree oven, bake for 10 minutes until crispy, then break into small pieces for backup; m...


Cake in the middle

The egg yolk is separated from the protein, and the protein is added to the sugar to create a moist foam.
Add a smal...


Whole wheat flour cake

The butter is softened at room temperature to the point where it can be easily pressed with a fingerprint, and smoothly ...


With you in the afternoon sun

I'd like to follow this mood, first the toast, then the classic dessert, the macaroni, the soufflé, and this madeleine.The real Madeleine cake is shell-shaped, simple, butter-flavored, low-flour sugar-flavored, and made with eggs, and the first bite feels like the usual egg cake of the hour, with lemon peel or maple sugar or almond powder, and another sweet flavor.In the Korean drama, a small piece of Madeleine cake is peeled and poured into the tea, then gently placed in the mouth, and then the fragrance of the te...


Madeleine's cake

1/4 lemon peel scrape off the inner white part, leaving only the outer yellow part (must be scraped thoroughly) cut into...
