The sea cucumber cake

Egg yolk, corn oil, salt, milk mixed evenly.
Low-powder screening
Mix the letters z gently into a paste, so that...


Lily of the Valley

It is a traditional magical dessert from the Bordeaux region of France.The dark crispy shell of the barbecue is full of thick caramel and rum scents, and the inner layer is filled with honeycomb-shaped holes, giving it a pudding-like fluffy, moist taste! ...


Tea and honey rolls

I like the fresh green of matcha, and I prefer the sweetness of honeybees, and the combination of the two tastes is incomparable."A hint of freshness, a hint of warmth, a hint of warmth..."...


Frozen cheese potatoes

Heat the milk insulation water, add the gelatin powder, stir until the gelatin powder melts
Cheese and cheese insula...


Capturing your stomach - Madeleine's orange scent

The word "madeleine" may be unfamiliar to some, but its other name, which I'm sure many of you know, is "shell cake".Madeleine's appearance is cute, her taste is soft, and she's a very good dessert. ...


Blueberry and jam cake rolls

Today's recipe is made with blueberry sauce, and it's also printed with a little flower pattern on the cake roll, and it takes a little bit of patience to talk about this little flower pattern. ...


Raw cheese cake

This is what I saw in a Japanese cheesecake recipe book, and it's a precious taste that you'll never forget! It's really as warm and soft as a baby blanket, and it's super delicious!...


Sicilian orange cake

"This Sicilian orange cake is actually made by adding orange juice and orange peel to the pound cake, making the originally greasy pound cake taste refreshing and rich in fruit, rather than the raw or chocolate-like pound cake, which is arguably the best pound cake to eat."It's also one of my favorite winter energy snacks....


Red dates and walnuts

Sweet little cakes can also be healthy and delicious. At home, we often eat red sugar, red dates, walnuts, grapes, etc. All kinds of dried fruits, stored for a long time, there are also many ways to eat....


Tea and honey rolls

When the tea meets the red beans, it's not only romantic, but it's also delicious, suitable for the harsh winter days to be used as an afternoon tea snack....


Purple potato yogurt cups for baby supplementary feeding micro class

"Yoghurt purple potato cup reference age: 12 months + purple potatoes are rich in anthocyanins and selenium elements, which are beneficial for the visual development and intellectual development of the baby."Yogurt contains more than 20 nutrients, including a combination of calcium and lactic acid, which promotes the absorption of calcium; semi-lactose in yogurt promotes the development of the baby's brain; lactic acid bacteria boosts the baby's immunity and also prevents constipation. ...


The original Madeleine

The first time I did it, I was very satisfied, because my father was very happy, he said he liked to eat, and seeing that he liked to eat, it was a beauty....
