Fruits and naked cakes

This cake embryo uses a small four-volume recipe, which is really soft and tasty.It is accompanied by sweet cream with rum and plenty of fresh fruit.One of the advantages of naked cakes is that they don't need to be baked, and they're easy to make for beginners!...


Chocolate brownie cake

Brownie cake, thick dark chocolate flavor, soft taste, afternoon dessert, nothing better than that. ...


Blood-filled and delicious red date cake

I used to buy red dates from the bakery, and they were so delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious, they were delicious....


Cream of butter

Butter softened to smooth at room temperature
Egg whites with 30 grams of fine sugar sent to the bend with an electr...


Microwave cakes

For me, this super lazy eater, the usual trouble is to buy everything directly.But I also love to eat cake, so I developed a very simple but delicious cake that children especially love!...


Chocolate lava cake

Chocolate lava cake is also known for its softness, the outer layer of the cake is hard and crisp, the inside is rich in chocolate paste, take a bite, the thick chocolate sauce flows out along the cake, just thinking about it feels good....


The original Madeleine

Preparing all the materials
The lemon peel and fine sugar mixture is evenly placed for 1 hour to allow the aroma to ...


Cake with meatballs

I used to eat one in the convenience store downstairs that had cake on the outside and meat on the inside, and then I got addicted to the next one.I guess it's the meatballs that I've eaten more of, I've changed the taste, I've changed the texture, I think it's wrong, maybe it's the meatballs! So... I wanted to do it myself, so I started the experiment......


Peanut butter cake

Prepare two eggs without separating the yolk and protein;
Added sugar powder;
Sitting in the hot tub, I saw an o...


English pancakes

Don't be too thin, I'm too thin the first time, easy to bake, also baked like a cookie...


Cherry mousse

This cake, which I use directly, is made from the dough of the Chiang Kai-shek cake.The recipe is poured into a 6-inch cake mold, baked for about 50 minutes, then sliced into three slices to make the cake body the same....


Purple potato and marble cake

This is the second time I've used a prayer and a bucket egg maker.The first time I used it, it felt good, and the second time I thought about doing something basic with it to make eggs.The result was somewhat unexpected, I thought it would be quick and easy, maybe my recipe had some problems, I made a 6-inch cake mold, I only used 3 eggs, maybe it was too little egg whites, when stirring the egg head was only stirred on the surface of the egg whites, I could not make the ideal protein bubble, and finally I had to t...
