The Black Forest

A blessing for the whole family
Let's start with a cocoa cake: egg yolk separation.
Egg whites with 10 grams of ...


Cotton cake

It has a soft, sponge-like taste and a strong egg aroma....


Sacher with Shah cake

A six-inch round shaha cake can be made from the following quantities of shaha cakes that will never lose their glory.Reduced sugar according to taste...


Chocolate brownie with noodles

"Usually, brownies are made with high-quality flour, but this time I got the ingredients from the village of Sibe, and I wanted to use it to make brownies to see if it would make a delicious spark."There's also this brownie that only needs chocolate sauce, so it's easier and simpler to replace butter and chocolate. ...


Cupcakes and cakes

The protein is separated from the egg yolk and the juice is extracted.
Add 30 grams of sugar to the egg yolk, stir, ...


The Black Forest cake

What I love about the Black Forest is the sweetness of its cream, the sour taste of its cherries, the bitter taste of its black pepper, and the mixture of rum. You can buy black cherries on the market, but you can't buy sour cherries....


Marble cake

Weigh all the ingredients evenly, soften the butter at room temperature, add sugar and vanilla to the scrambler and stir...


The shell cake

Put the eggs, the sugar cream, the honey.
A few drops of vinegar can speed up the delivery.
Add olive oil, low p...


Coffee cake

The egg yolk protein is separated and 10 grams of sugar is added to the egg yolk.
Add 20 grams of oil + 20 grams of ...


French dessert - Madeleine

Madeleine cake (shell cake) is a small dessert with French flavor, originally used for home cooking.To promote it to the world's cake hall of fame, it would have to be the French Grand Master Proust.Proust's memories of the taste of the shell cake led him to write a long literary epic about the shell cake, which also put the shell cake on the stage of history.It is rumored that the shell cake (madeleines) is also known as Madeleine commercy.It is said to be a small restaurant with a family flavor in the French town...


Grapefruit cake

My family's favorite is raisins."This cake is characterized by its delicacy and softness, which is between the chihuahua cake and the cotton cake." ...


A small cranberry cake

Four eggs are laid, and the protein is separated by a whey separator.
20 grams of fine sugar, 50 grams of coconut mi...
