Delicious caterpillars

I'm a beginner, but I love to cook, and I especially like to cook with only one oven.No, trying to make a delicious caterpillar. ...


Ham rolls

The dough is so intimate, it feels like any ingredient can be transformed into a new combination, and the dough is so magical, it makes baking enthusiasts brainstorm new shapes, and this loaf of bread, inspired by sugar cane, bread sugar cane is better than ice cream sugar cane!...


A little bread.

The rabbit bread that the kids love so much is here, it's cute, the rabbit eyes are especially loved by the kids!...


50% of the chessboard

Love is not sitting, but it should be like bread, to make it with your hands, to feel the elasticity of the flour with your hands, to experience the process of the flour rising in the oven, the instantaneous increase in the feeling of happiness and fulfillment of DIY, in order to allow your loved ones to eat bread without additives.The addition of edible bamboo powder makes this tofu visually striking, and it's a healthy Hokkaido dish. ...


Hot dog rolls

It's okay, after all, these things are preservatives, there are too many additives, we eat too much bread that is not good for the body, what seems to be expected in it is what everyone likes, our hamburger is, every time we eat this is the ham inside, the rest is my part, this time the hot dog bread is very soft, baked five, each one was fat and took two to pick up the children from school, one gave the hamburger to the children with the bread, happy and had to leave, shake hands with me and say goodbye...


Coconut bread rolls

The kitchen, a sweet and happy place.There are always moments in life that are full of anxiety and anxiety.Wandering around depressed or exhausted, as if everything was covered in a layer of gray.Only in my kitchen, everything is sweet and happy.It's as if they're all alive, they're singing, they're dancing, they're skilled magicians, and I'm like the girl in the fairy tale who got lost in a strange castle and fell into this magical world.Simple ingredients can also be transformed into all kinds of delicious, fragr...


Cloud bread - keeping a child's heart

I read this book with my daughter, and I love it very much. It's a unique painting, the theme is simple and vivid, and the colors are warm.Every time I open the book, it's as if I'm entering a rainy morning, and the silence outside the window, the ticking of the rain, becomes extraordinarily rhythmic.The morning of the rainy day is always busy, the cat's mother gets up early to prepare breakfast, and the children are obviously not disturbed by the humid rainy day, which is made better by the arrival of the little c...


Ugly hot dogs

Hot dog bread, which is usually made with high-quality flour and low-quality flour, I used whole wheat flour, and without eggs, is it a little different? ...


Q version of bread with superhuman expressions

All ingredients except butter are mixed and kneaded into a smooth dough, then put into softened or melted butter, kneade...


Flower jam and sweet bread

All materials except butter are placed in the wrapping machine, started and processed in 15 minutes
Continue to add ...


Carrot caterpillars

It was an accidental harvest, the carrots in the house were about to spoil, they cooked in a hurry, the cooked carrots the children didn't like to eat, they made bread out of clay, more carrot paste, more flour was added, after the plate came out, the rest of the dough was wrapped in a few small breads, after baking the son liked it very much, after taking pictures he said it was cute, and he cooked another plate and recorded it. ...


Banana toast

This recipe is not suitable for making toast with a lid and a small meal package, please refer to the instructions for a small tip!!! When making it, it is advisable to choose fully ripe bananas, otherwise it will affect the flavor of the bread....
