Pray for the cake.

A few days ago, I got my hands on a 15-centimeter hollow mold, so that when a child wants to eat a cake, he can make a small one, just so he can finish it and not waste it.Use the square of the spoon, divide the ingredients by 2, and make this 15 cm hollow mold just right. ...


Lemon cake with spices

Some time ago I bought two kilos of lemons online, boiled a can of lemon honey, there are two left, it's always in the fridge, it's useless, it's a pity to waste it, so I put it in the cake, I made a lemon cake, it smells good, oh, friends who like lemons, try it too...


A delicious steamed cake with zero failures

Yesterday morning I made a cranberry steamed cake, it's a very simple recipe, but because it's a good recipe, some of my friends made it this morning, and I got a picture of it.Full of joy, with so many moms who love life playing together, it's really a nice thing.I happened to see the steak made by the teacher yesterday, and it was made by steaming, so I fell in love with it, and I started making it after work, but I didn't make any other baked dessert, so I replaced the protein in the teacher's cake with a whole ...


Chocolate brownie

It's not a good time to take pictures, it's 18 o'clock, it's not easy to find the light!...


The Fairy Tale of the Lambs

In the summer, can parents do something to annoy their children? Time to show the mother's incomparable side in front of the child...


A cup of cheesecake

Shuffle tastes extremely delicate, and the taste of freshly baked and chilled is very different, but no matter how you eat it, the moment the cake slips into your mouth, it will make you sigh involuntarily, it's so delicious.Today, use ACA's ATO-HB38HT oven to make this extremely delicate delicacy.(From the following network) Shuffle, also translated as Chubby, Egg Milk ChubbyIt is a cooking method that originated in France.This special cooking method, the main ingredients include egg yolk and different ingredients...


I'm not sure what I'm doing.

This summer's fat girl isn't idle.On the second day of summer vacation, I strongly requested to attend an art class.Every day she wakes up at six o'clock in the morning and follows us to practice in the morning, comes back and eats breakfast, dad goes to work, she goes to her hobby class.I started cleaning at home.Pick her up at noon, have a simple lunch, and start lunch together.I get up in the afternoon for an hour or two to do what I like, and then I start cooking dinner again... day by day, time passes so fast ...


This is a durian pizza.

Durian, some like it, some don't, its unique flavor, has overwhelmed countless people, and smoked countless people.But my family and I love the taste of durian, so we made a heavy-flavored durian pizza at the request of the bamboo....Although my Mallardo cheese is a little frozen and doesn't look good, it's still good to eat, and the biggest feature of my own is the filling.... ...


The Black Forest cake

The shape of this cake does not require a lot of kneading skills, because there is a chocolate chip decoration to cover, so students who are not good at baking flowers can try this method - cake base: whole egg juice 200g, low-fat flour 90g, cocoa powder 20g, fine sugar 125g, corn oil 35g cream filling: milk 160g, butter 20g, eggs 2, low-fat flour 10g, corn starch 6g, cherry wine 20ml, soft cream 300g, flour 20g cherry liquor: water 100ml, fine sugar 40g, cherry 30ml, red cherry juice 100ml surface decoration: soft...


Chocolate peanut cake

Peanuts and chocolate have always been a classic combination, it can make the originally sweet chocolate more fragrant, feel the crispness of the nuts and the chocolate stretch in the chewing, so sometimes it only takes both to make a delicious dessert: peanut chocolate cake, which is also wrapped in a bunch of spicy peanut butter, eat a cup or two at leisure, or make a cup of milk tea, spend a relaxed weekend, temporarily throw away the trouble, because there is no quarrel in the kitchen, only good light. ...


Ham and noodle cake

The cake we usually eat is sweet, today change the taste, try it, it's different, it'll give you a different taste, it'll give you a different taste, it'll give you a different taste, it'll give you a different taste, it'll give you a different taste....


Thousand layers of chocolate curry

Thousands of layers of French chocolate curry cake - a French dessert that can be made without an oven, spicy curry cake, fragrant mascarpone cheese and cream, sour-sweet fruit and strong cocoa powder bursting together on the tip of the tongue....
