Small paper honey cake

A few days ago, a child brought a cake to school, and his classmates grabbed it to eat, and it is said that after bringing it several times, he didn't try it himself, so some of his classmates joked about it, and some of them were unhappy about it, because he didn't give his classmates something to eat, so the classmates joked about him, so tell him not to be angry, because the classmates wanted to eat too much, you didn't share, so you would say that, next time if the classmate didn't eat and especially wanted to ...


Cinnamon sugar cake

I'm going to make a birthday cake for my dad next month, I'm going to make a birthday cake for him, I'm going to make a cream table flower, my mom has always loved flowers, I want to put a few more flowers on the cake, it's going to be more beautiful, so I'm going to practice a lot, I've also bought a lot of flower membranes, I'm going to use membranes, I'm going to use membranes, I'm going to keep practicing, I don't even know what it is, I'm going to use it anyway....


Sugar cake with flowers in bird language

Prepare the flowers a day in advance, dry them with a little white oil and mix them with your favorite dyes.
Take a ...


Mango cream cake

The dough is mixed with corn oil, yogurt, and sugar, then added to the sieve, mixed with low powder, 2. the protein is a...


Sugar cake for the holidays

The busy life makes us look forward to holidays, horseback riding, walking, fishing, and a life of leisure.My first candy cake project doesn't require a lot of technology, as long as we're patient, we can make the work we love. ...


The classic heavy cheese cake

Cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake... every time you mention this name that people love and hate, someone always starts trying to hold back the tears that are about to fall from their mouths.Love it because it tastes good.I hate it because of its heat.Many people who are crazy about cheesecake have unknowingly fallen into the cheesecake trap, and maybe at first you thought that cheesecake wasn't your favorite flavor, but it's obviously too early to conclude that, as you taste it over and over again, you'll find tha...


Lavender and lemon cake

Butter and fine sugar mixed together with lemon juice and sugar mixed together
Add the eggs.
Add milk to the mix...


Chocolate cake with nuts

The butter is softened at room temperature, then stirred, the chocolate is melted, the waterproofing is slowly added to ...


Minimal paper cups and cheese cakes

The vanilla pods are removed from the middle and the vanilla seeds are extracted with a toothpick.
After the cheese ...


Pumpkin paper cup cake

Halloween is coming, but the pumpkin is the main character.I saw someone on mitbbs recommending that little green pumpkin, and the uglier it looks, the better it tastes, so I went to the supermarket to buy it.God, I swear you've never seen such an ugly pumpkin in your life, I'm not going to describe it specifically, interested children's shoes can ask me for pictures privately.Of course, it was so ugly that I didn't have the courage to take a picture that day, and if there was a need, I would take a picture for you...


Banana milk tea cake

Eggs in a glass;
Add 50 g of red sugar and stir evenly;
Pour into 50 g of olive oil and stir evenly;
The mil...


Sweet orange cake

After washing and drying, the orange peel is peeled off with an abrasive.
Squeeze half a new orange out of the juice...
