The black gallon cake

I couldn't eat food that could catch fire for two days with a cold and a respiratory infection, but after eating cold medicine, my stomach was more hungry, so I cooked some cakes from the black gallons of ice at home to fill my hunger.This steamed cake is not easily ignited and is more suitable for the elderly and babies in the house.Of course, it's more suitable for relatives who don't have an oven but want to eat cake with confidence.It's delicious to add some black garlic to the pastry.Blackcurrant is not only a...


The original flavor of Aladdin

A while ago I made a cookie cookie, I really didn't think that spreading butter was a lot of trouble, softening butter is really a headache, originally planned to eat dinner, the refrigerator freezer took out the butter an hour later found it was still hard, estimated that it could not be softened before going to bed, then the next day I did it again, I woke up in the morning and found it was still hard, only the surface was a little soft, sweat... cover it well and put it under the sun....The second butter is not ...


Hokkaido fried cake

The egg yolk proteins of the four eggs are laid separately so that the proteins do not come into contact with substances...
