Eight inches of cheesecake

It's the first time I've made it, my grandfather made it for him on his birthday! I put strawberries and blueberries on it until it was time to cut the cake! Unfortunately, less than halfway through dinner, the older son was overheated! I had to retreat and leave it to my sister!...


Afternoon tea and a thousand layers of curry cake without electricity

Originating in France, but flourishing in Taiwan and Japan, Japanese-French mixed-race LADY M has made a splash in New York with a thousand layers of curry cake, becoming the hottest dessert queen in the Upper East Region!...


Sachima, what are you doing?

500 grams of flour in a pan.
Cut a small hole in the middle.
The eggs are beaten in small pits, beaten evenly, d...


Electric rice cakes

The egg yolk is opened in a clean bowl, the egg yolk is mixed with a spoonful of white sugar, flour, milk, and filtered ...


The microwave olimok cup cake

Mark cup cake, as the name suggests, is an ultra-simple quick cake where all the ingredients are mixed evenly in a mark cup and then baked in a microwave.Such a lazy invention originated in the homeland of fast food in the United States, it takes no more than five minutes from entering the kitchen to preparing it, and when it's done, you don't have to clean up the excess containers, a marshmallow cup, a fork can do a great job.So whether it's a quick breakfast or a snack when you're hungry, it's a great choice.Mark...


Black pepper fried salmon

Slide the salmon over and fry the other side.
Add a moderate amount of black pepper and fry for two to three minutes...


Orleans fried wings

Wash the 10 wings with cold water and freeze them for 10 minutes.
Three knives on the wings of a chicken


Chicago black pepper roasted steak

The story behind the dish: the role of the steak: 1. to replenish the stomach, to nourish the spleen, to strengthen the muscles, to cleanse the sputum, to quench the thirst, to stop the saliva.It is suitable for consumption by people with shortness of breath, chronic anemia and yellow eyes.And now steak, pork, and lamb can be made at home in an oven or an air fryer, and it's not only clean, it's delicious to enjoy with your family. ...


Fresh shrimp pasta

Boil the pasta in water for about 12 minutes.
Pulling out cooked pasta for backup
Round tomatoes cut into small ...


It's not like I don't know what I'm doing.

Women love beauty, as everyone knows! Beauty is also beauty's nature, beauty's health! So I'd rather be able to achieve healthy beauty through a reasonable diet.The climate is pleasantly cool, and in early summer the flower stems and tender leaves are edible, can be eaten raw, can be cooked, or can be eaten in soup.The nutritional value of bitter melon is high, it is a culinary delicacy that is heated to the fire; Chinese medicine believes that bitter melon has a bitter taste, it enters the heart, spleen, stomach, ...


American country fried chicken

The chicken breast is removed from the muscle membrane, cut in half with a knife from the middle slice, and beaten repea...


Red wine and beef

First, cut the beef into pieces and marinate with a little salt, black pepper, and olive oil.
Add olive oil to the p...
