5 minutes microwave tea honey bean mark cup cake

Mark cup cake, as the name suggests, is an ultra-simple quick cake where all the ingredients are mixed evenly in a mark cup and then baked in a microwave.Such a lazy invention originated in the homeland of fast food in the United States, it takes no more than five minutes from entering the kitchen to preparing it, and when it's done, you don't have to clean up the excess containers, a marshmallow cup, a fork can do a great job.So whether it's a quick breakfast or a snack when you're hungry, it's a great choice.Mark...


Steamed cake

Eggs, protein, egg yolks are separated, the protein is boiled, salt, sugar, lemon juice are added, and the boiling conti...


Milk and sponge cake

The egg yolk is separated!
It's clean!
Put the sugar in the butter and stir evenly!
Pour into the milk and k...


Small cakes with lemon juice

The eggs are mixed with sugar, poured into the oil, mixed evenly, poured into the milk, mixed evenly.
Low-powder foa...


Eggs, cakes and cookies

Egg whites and refined sugar
Add the remaining egg yolk
Add high fat cream (double cream)
Mixed powder of sc...


Cake maker small cake

After having children, I decided to make my own cakes and bread and try to be a good mother!...


Birthday cake

Separate the egg yolk and protein and fill them separately in clean, oil-free, water-free containers.
The egg yolk i...


Oil-free cakes

The first baking trip, full of happiness and sweetness!...


Black rice and coal ball cake

Egg yolk separated into two containers
Egg yolk with two tablespoons of white sugar and sesame oil mixed evenly, pou...


Carrot cheese cake

This recipe only describes the process of carrot cheese cake body, not the process of surface decoration...


Baking cakes without an oven

Peanut oil, sugar, honey in the eggs!
Stir evenly
The powder in the sieve!
Put it in the baking powder and t...


The durian cake

It's durian season.My love for durian is at its peak.Every time I see a durian, I swallow water.I bought a big one back at the supermarket the other day.I've got it all figured out.And I didn't have any symptoms of burning, so I bought a whole one two days later.I want to make a cake.That night, I left some for the next day to make a durian cake.It's not a lot of durian, but it's a lot of durian.It doesn't taste like durian anymore, but I still have to say that I really added durian to the cake. ...
