Chocolate doughnuts

A soft bread with a creamy aroma and a sweet chocolate, a favorite of children. ...


A cup of cheesecake

Shuffle tastes extremely delicate, and the taste of freshly baked and chilled is very different, but no matter how you eat it, the moment the cake slips into your mouth, it will make you sigh involuntarily, it's so delicious.Today, use ACA's ATO-HB38HT oven to make this extremely delicate delicacy.(From the following network) Shuffle, also translated as Chubby, Egg Milk ChubbyIt is a cooking method that originated in France.This special cooking method, the main ingredients include egg yolk and different ingredients...


I'm not sure what I'm doing.

This summer's fat girl isn't idle.On the second day of summer vacation, I strongly requested to attend an art class.Every day she wakes up at six o'clock in the morning and follows us to practice in the morning, comes back and eats breakfast, dad goes to work, she goes to her hobby class.I started cleaning at home.Pick her up at noon, have a simple lunch, and start lunch together.I get up in the afternoon for an hour or two to do what I like, and then I start cooking dinner again... day by day, time passes so fast ...


Cake of the wind

All the materials
Protein and egg yolk separation
Add 30 grams of white sugar to the egg yolk and disperse with ...


The Black Forest cake

The shape of this cake does not require a lot of kneading skills, because there is a chocolate chip decoration to cover, so students who are not good at baking flowers can try this method - cake base: whole egg juice 200g, low-fat flour 90g, cocoa powder 20g, fine sugar 125g, corn oil 35g cream filling: milk 160g, butter 20g, eggs 2, low-fat flour 10g, corn starch 6g, cherry wine 20ml, soft cream 300g, flour 20g cherry liquor: water 100ml, fine sugar 40g, cherry 30ml, red cherry juice 100ml surface decoration: soft...


Thousand layers of chocolate curry

Thousands of layers of French chocolate curry cake - a French dessert that can be made without an oven, spicy curry cake, fragrant mascarpone cheese and cream, sour-sweet fruit and strong cocoa powder bursting together on the tip of the tongue....


Cake with sugar

Put flour, baking powder, salt, and tea powder in a large bowl.
Add oil, eggs, sugar, half of my regular white sugar...


Tea cake rolls

Preparation of materials
Tea powder, milk, light cream, sesame oil mixed evenly
Stir on low heat until the tea p...


Pumpkin cakes

The first attempt to make a cake with pumpkin paste was very successful, the cake was still expanding until it was baked, without shrinking, especially the bright yellow color was very nice to look at, it was also soft to eat, it was better than the previous pure wheat flour cake. ...


Chocolate birthday cake

Today is my son's birthday, I'm going to make a cake for my son in the morning, I don't have much time to bake, so making a birthday cake is also a challenge, recently I've been studying the production of the wind, after summing up the experience, the wind is still fitting, recently the temperature is too high, the animal cream is starting to turn, the shape is not good, but I'm happy to see my son eating his own handmade cake.It's also the first time I've used a microwave plate to make a flower bed, and I'm not ve...


Cream cup cake

After watching the fourth season of Bankruptcy Sisters, my biggest wish was to eat the max cupcake, those little cakes make you hungry, and finally that day I found your big recipe, and I made the cupcake I've always dreamed of. ...


Beans and biscuits

The egg yolk is separated from the protein, and the protein is poured into the white vinegar and sugar!
Put it in su...
