Chocolate cake with animals

A thick chocolate cake base, topped with a smooth chestnut sauce, with a little crispy walnut flavor.It's both delicious and adorable to make a cake in the shape of an animal.Who says a cookie model can only make cookies? Take your kids and make a cake with them.Chestnut sauce: Chestnut (peeled) 120 g butter 10 g cream 75 g, white sugar 10 g and a small amount of salt, put together in the cooking machine to make a sauce, you can cook ...


Light cream cakes

Even without a little oil, the taste is quite soft and delicious. Combine the small paper cup mold, the visual taste of the paper cup cake, are you still hesitating?...


Meat and shellfish cake

All materials are ready.
Protein and egg yolk separation
Mix 10 g of sugar, milk, corn oil and stir evenly


Cartoon tree house cake

After mixing the egg yolk with fine sugar and water, add corn oil, stir until the color turns white, sieve into low-stre...


Milk and honey cake

Prepare all ingredients and weigh them.
Put the eggs in a stainless steel bowl with no oil and no water.
Remove ...


What is the meaning of the name?

Protein released 3 times
Ten lemon juice and ten salts.
Butter and sugar in the bowl
Preheat the oven to 180...


Lemmington cake from Australia

First, mix the milk with the corn oil evenly.
Low-dust screening backup
Pour the eggs into a clean bowl without ...


Easy to learn cheesecake

Beginners are easy to learn, have a high success rate, and have a good mouth....


Banana and walnut cake

It's a rainy day, a cold afternoon, and a cup of hot black tea.With freshly baked banana cake.Suddenly, my heart was filled with happiness......


Raw cheese cake

Light cream is divided into two portions of an average of 75 grams, one of which is added to the milk, sprinkled with ge...


Tea and cake

Here's where you can explore and share the joy of food, and congratulations on your 5th birthday....


Thousand leaf cake

I don't think I'm at that level, I don't think I'm at that level, I don't think I'm at that level, I don't think I'm at that level, I don't think I'm at that level....
