Tea and honey cake

It seems complicated, but it's a very successful cake. ...


Peanut butter rolls

"It's the first time I've ever given a cake roll a flower."The rest of the cake paste is also made with leafy greens, it feels beautiful.Although it's the first time I've drawn a line, it's because the flower bag's mouth is a little bigger, and I'm not drawing the line evenly when I'm squeezing the dough.Looks like you can do more than that.I made a few rolls of cake, and I slowly observed the changes in the oven and the cake, and the last time I baked it at 175 degrees for 15 minutes.This time it's a little lower,...


Cream cup cake

My daughter said, "Mom, I want to eat cream cake".I said, "Okay".So I made this cream cake cup, and when it was done, the little beauty said, "I want to eat something like a birthday cake"......


A small cake with cream.

Cream, how much fun.Baking is inseparable from it.All kinds of cream have all kinds of uses, and I really like it.I can't tell the difference between the different kinds of cream! Hey, hey, if you want to figure it out, the best way is to do it, do more baking, you'll always get used to it slowly.There are a lot of things that stink with cream, I used to hit the cream on the head, today I hit the cream on the head too.Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, do it again, hey, you'll have more experience after failing.The ...


Apple cake

This is a food from Norway, and the first impression I got of this cake was, "I want a scene".One afternoon, a ray of sunshine poured into the house, illuminating the whole room bright and warm.I'm sitting in the sun in a rocking chair by the window, sipping a cup of black tea, enjoying the special aroma of apples and cinnamon coming out of the oven, waiting for the moment when the baking is over, enjoying the joy of this food.Norwegian immigrant No Red shared Norwegian cuisine with everyone, was deeply attracted t...


Heart-shaped brick cake

It was a long time ago, I had my own bakery, and I ate a brick-and-mortar in a high-rise West Point store, and it was a rectangular drop, and it looked pretty good, but I didn't eat it, and it wasn't cheap, but I ate it.Since then, I don't think Fennelstein has eaten well.After I started in the baking world, I didn't want to do Fennel Snow, I saw a Fennel Snow soap in a magazine a few days ago, dwarf oil, golden yellow drops, it's really nice to look, I can't resist the temptation of beauty.I've done it twice, I'm ...


Tea with two colors

"Matcha has a fresh and bitter taste, it is used in all kinds of foods, it can always add a different color, like spring, it has a warm comfort, sunshine, vitality, and full of energy."Today's double-colored matcha bar doesn't have eggs, it's still crisp, it's fresh, and it feels different.Or is it that the old saying is simple?I can't believe you tried it. ...


The cost of snow

Fennec is a small French pastry with some history, which is usually made in a traditional mold, and when finished, it looks like a gold bar.Specifically, if you're interested in children's shoes, you can buy them.The characteristic of this snack is that it is very moist, almond-flavored, and the tomatoes are made of silicone mold in the form of rings, and after removing the mold, they look like small rings!...


Zebra-shaped cakes

The cocoa powder can not only give the cake a little color, but also give the cake a little spirit, giving the cake a special aroma, very delicious. ...


Chocolate cranberry cake

Moose is an extremely simple cake, it's delicious, it doesn't have the fat of a cream cake, it doesn't need to be baked, it's a nice dessert for afternoon tea....


Red pomegranate cheese and velvet cake

I used to swear in my heart that every year on my birthday I would give him a birthday cake made by my own hands. This is the third year, the child grows up day by day, many things can be understood, he has his own preferences, sweets are probably a dish that all children cannot refuse, from my first day of making cake embryos, this little guy is constantly eating next to me, in order not to let him spoil, I just have to urge his father to hurry and take the child out to play....


Lovely orange cake

Soft, delicate, fragrant, lovely orange-flavored cakes, tasting them fresh from the oven on this cold winter afternoon, a warm, happy taste floods the heart... ...
