Warm chocolate cake

Warm-hearted chocolate cake, also known as ivory chocolate, or soft-hearted chocolate cake."The cake is eaten hot, and the chocolate sauce that has melted inside the cake flows out like volcanic lava, and it smells strong, and it's soft, and it has a magical feeling."The inner walls of the cake are also dipped in thick chocolate sauce, so that the final result is a layered effect.Full of sweetness and fragrance.It is said to have originated from a New York West Point worker who accidentally took out an unroasted ch...


A small cake with coconut milk

Sugar flour is added to the protein three times.
It's almost as good as a hard foam, but it's not hard.


Little cakes with honey

Put the egg yolk, sugar, and honey together in a clean plate, open the egg beater, and stir rapidly at high speed until ...


Blueberry light cheese cake

The cheese and milk are heated separately and mixed until a paste is formed, and the melted butter is added to the mixtu...


Cake with black tea

Protein (4 grams of white vinegar with a little bit of sugar) process: the protein is first blown into a thick bubble, p...


Small cakes with lemon juice

The eggs are mixed with sugar, poured into the oil, mixed evenly, poured into the milk, mixed evenly.
Low-powder foa...


Coffee almond cream rolls

First make the almond cream filling (2 grams of black coffee powder, 40 grams of almond powder, 40 grams of butter, 40 g...


Lemon cake

Add sugar, lemon, pudding, and honey to the egg whites and stir evenly.
The protein is sweetened three times to crea...


Whole wheat flour cake

The butter is softened at room temperature to the point where it can be easily pressed with a fingerprint, and smoothly ...


Sweet potato cake

Red dates with yogurt and water are cooked until the red dates are rotted, there is not enough water to add a moderate a...


Little cakes with orange juice

Spread the eggs, add the sugar, and continue to add the corn oil.
Add the golden orange juice to the mixture, sift i...


Chocolate cup cake

Small pieces of butter are melted in the microwave to form liquid butter and dried for cooling.
The eggs are beaten ...
