Cake with orange peels

Oranges are my favorite fruit in the winter, they're sweet and sour, they're moisturizing, they're rich in vitamin C, and they're best eaten in the dry winter.While we enjoy the delicious flesh of the fruit, don't waste the peel, it's a great natural flavor, and adding it to the dessert is definitely a drawing pen. ...


Cake with crispy skin

I've always wanted to make a healthy cake for my baby, but there's always butter, and today I suddenly found a muffin cup at home, so I thought I'd make a small cake, and it's easy to eat.This little cake is very healthy, but it's also very simple, and it's short-lived, so it's not only good for children, but also for the elderly.It's delicious, it's crispy on the surface, it's soft on the inside, it's delicious!...


The golden cake

It is a moist-tasting, soft and moderately sweet cake that is ideal for the elderly and children.Its ingredients are readily available, and the egg-shaped approach, water-bath baking, has a high success rate.The cake will shrink after baking, and in general, the height of the cake paste determines the final height of the cake, so the cake tastes good, has a strong texture, and has the delicate feel of a cheesecake.Such a brick cake, enough for two adults to eat Oh! mold: positive square non-sticky mold 1 (six-inch ...


High success rate of cocoa sponge cake

Since I started baking, more than 90% of the cakes I've made have been sourdough cakes, because I love the fact that they taste as soft as clouds.Sponge cake is tried less and less, probably because of the problem of the method of preparation, the taste of the sponge cake made before does not match the name, the taste is really bad.Friends who have done it know that spreading whole eggs is a more laborious process, and often spreading them out of place causes the back to fade, affecting the final taste of the cake....


Fruit cake

I've always disliked pound cakes, which are high-calorie desserts, and I don't feel like they're high-calorie or good to eat.But this cake changed my mind about pound cakes, it's very, very good to eat, and it has a long shelf life, and it's got all kinds of sweet and sour dried fruit, and it tastes really good, and it's delicious. ...


Santa's little cake

Prepare all ingredients, milk, eggs to be reheated in advance.
The whole egg is placed in the egg-making bowl, and t...


Peanut butter cake rolls

Peanuts, also known as sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., are one of the most common foods in our daily lives.It is rich in proteins, starches, fructose, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins, and many other minerals. It has a high nutritional value and is considered by nutritionists to be the most nutritionally balanced health food. It has many benefits such as anti-cancer, heart protection, prevention of pneumonia, diabetes, and weight loss.But it's so good, I've tried so many ways to cook it, but my baby doesn't l...


Low-fat red date cake

On a cold winter's day, hot milk tea and a delicious cake go well together, but the high calories of the cake scare a lot of girls, so today's low-fat red date cake is more suitable for you!...


Mango cream rolls

The protein is packed in oil-free, water-free stainless steel containers.
Add 20 grams of sugar until a thick foam a...


Hive coal ball cake

6mm mold 150 degrees up and down fire middle layer 30min...


A pound of cake with less oil and less sugar

Don't worry about the long meat, this pound of butter has less sugar!...


The lava cake brownie

Weigh the material and prepare it.
Butter and dark chocolate are placed in a large bowl and heated to melt in a micr...
