Red velvet cake rolls

Red velvet cake roll, the name of the dessert.It's easy to make.It is mainly made from low-fat flour, fresh cream, egg yolk, and red curry flour.With coffee, it is especially suitable for pre- and post-meal snacks at gatherings. ...


The cranberry sauce cake

It is also divided into two types, one of which can be eaten after baking, to be baked in an oven with waterproof steam, baked cakes are smooth and delicate like soft tofu, taste soft and delicate, fragrant and pleasant, baked cakes cannot be directly molded or cooled, can be cooled and molded can also be refrigerated for eating.Another is the use of a solvent to condense cream cheese or fresh cream, which is then combined with biscuits or some of the above traditional cakes, which do not need to be baked in the ov...


Red velvet cake rolls

Weigh all the ingredients well.
The egg whites are separated from the proteins, and five egg yolks are placed in a b...


Eight-inch cakes

Milk 30 grams of sugar oil mixed with a manual egg beater
Screening for low fiber powder
Do not over-shake to av...


Tomato cake rolls

Tomato cake roll combined with peanut butter filling, thick flavored alcohol, crispy cocoa, sweet pepper and crispy perfect fusion. ...


Cake with green beans

Occasionally eating green beans to detoxify the heat can also relieve the heat Oh, today I'm going to make a green beans to detoxify the heat...


Pound of cake

Pound cake, also known as cream cake, is a type of heavy oil cake.This cake has a relatively thick flavor, a deep aroma, and a relatively dense structure with a certain elasticity.So he's better suited to be a heavy-duty cake maker, able to handle more pressure.The square is 6 inches, but I want the sugar to carry the weight of the base embryo, so I chose the 8 inch mold. ...


Cake of the wind

This is my first time baking a cake, because I wanted to bake a birthday cake for my mom, so I moved back to the oven, and I baked a birthday cake myself, because it was my first time baking, so I picked the simplest one - the fan cake, I didn't expect the result to be good, the surface didn't crack much, the taste was good!.I'm very satisfied with the results this time, and I'm even more determined to follow my path! I hope to grow from a rookie to a skilled hand!...


Shallow Sea Green Bay Cake

This is the first birthday cake I've ever made for myself, I never thought I'd be able to make a birthday cake for myself, before I could only see the exquisite cakes made by the master in the cake shop, it's all after the gourmet, I've learned a lot, tomorrow is my birthday, tomorrow I won't have time, so I'll start today, hopefully I'll be able to make better cakes later (wish)...


Honey sponge cake

The difference between sponge cakes and chicken cakes is that the former are generally made with whole eggs, while the latter are made with protein only.The taste is comparable to the sponge cake, which is not as delicate and soft as the sponge cake, but has a different flavor.And the sponge cake tissue is stronger than the wind and can withstand a lot of weight without collapsing, so it's not easy to shrink.The only problem is that it's a little bit harder to release the whole egg than it is to release the protein...


The golden cake

Put an egg yolk in a bag of flowers for backup.
Cut the butter into small pieces and heat it in the pan until it boi...


Cake of the wind

It's not that the cake is crazy, it's that it's not cracked, it's that it's not ripe, it's that it's shrunken, sometimes it's baked or it's hard.I was really excited when I finally did what I thought was perfect, which wasn't very good professionally, but it was very satisfying for me personally.August 18th is my son's first birthday, a few months ago I thought about my son's first birthday cake, I'm going to make it myself, I've bought everything in advance, I've probably imagined what the cake will look like, who...
