Cake of the wind

It's a must-have for baking enthusiasts.Since it's hard to succeed once, it's often a failure.So often jokingly referred to by friends in the baking circle as the Seven Crazy Cakes, I did a lot of homework before I finished this cake.I've looked at it over and over again, but I don't like all the questions until I've done it myself.But he didn't call me crazy seven times, he called me crazy two and a half times.After the success, I did it a few more times, and it was a success.I'm new to baking, so I'm going to tal...


The most suitable cake for Women's Day - red date and red sugar cake

Red date sugar is a very nutritious and nourishing ingredient, especially suitable for women to eat, on the occasion of the upcoming Women's Day, a soft and sweet-smelling red date cake is given to all female friends of the holiday. ...


Honey cake - childhood memories - zero failures and no collapse and no fading

After finishing, divide the flour three times into low flour, use the scraper to roll up and down and the z-word method to mix evenly, the speed should be fast. Preheat the oven to 120 below 150 after 10 minutes, the middle and lower layers, the pan with oil and paper pads are good, pour into the cake paste, shake a few air bubbles, this process of mixing flour for up to two minutes, time will melt the bubbles, put a little cranberry, my son likes to eat, according to my recipe method will not fail, the beginner ca...


Rainbow cake

It's been raining in Shanghai for the past few days, and a lot of people don't like this wet weather, because it always brings a lot of inconvenience to people's travel, but I like the rainy days, especially the clean world after the rain, the mood is extra good, the air also feels fresh all of a sudden, people always say that the sunshine is always after the wind and the rain, the rainbow after the rain is the most beautiful landscape, everyone wishes the mood is as beautiful as the rainbow.Mold: Learn to cook 6 i...
