Cake rolls with orange sauce

Divide the white sugar three times and add enough protein until the egg beater is lifted with a small hook.
Avocado ...


Fruit and vegetable birthday cake

Add the egg yolk to the pan, cut the vanilla pods, scrape the vanilla seeds in, and gently stir evenly.
Add fine sug...


Milk and honey.

Low flour 120 grams, corn oil 35 grams, white sugar 8 grams, boiled water 50 grams, and water oil dough.
Use 70 gram...


The classic chocolate cake

80 g of unsalted fermented butter and 70 g of light cream are placed in a small milk pan, heat until slightly boiling, t...


Cake of the wind

I've been mad many times.Recipes of various gods have been used.Countless times the weight of the wings was carefully shuffled.Try the oven at various temperatures for various lengths of time.The result is only one.It collapsed. It collapsed.I've been mad many times.My husband advised me to change my studies.But...I'm finally being stubborn.It worked...It's all about the eggs that are wasted. ...


Pineapple pie

I bought more pineapples, and the other half just made pineapple pie!...


0 failed cake roll

I've been making cake rolls, and when I was about to give up, I came across this square, and it worked, it didn't collapse, it didn't crack, it was simple to operate, and I finally walked on the sunny side of making cake rolls again. ...


Beer cake

What does a beer cake taste like? A freshly baked cake is poured with beer while it's hot, sealed after it cools, and eaten three days later.I kept one, didn't pour the beer, tried it as soon as it cooled, as if it didn't taste special, it didn't taste like beer.What will be the taste of those who are sealed? It will be known after three days. ...


Sweet pineapple

It's delicious to taste while it's hot, and it's delicious to taste when it's hot....


Chocolate mousse with four leaves

First, make the shape of the cake.
Egg yolk separated from protein.
The egg yolk is opened, mixed with water, an...
