Eggs and milk

He doesn't like to eat eggs, he can make a steak, he doesn't reject it at all! Compared to cakes, the sweetness of the steak is not particularly sweet, he eats just right!...


Baking novice baker's maiden work - and wind bread

Just bought a bread maker and don't know how to use it? Look here look here look here~ a hundred percent, step by step detailed and wind bread recipe brought to you!...


Old fashioned bread

There was a time when the old-fashioned bread recipe of "Love and Freedom" was on the Internet for a long time, almost everyone who played baking was giving free assignments, the recipe was really good, the bread was delicious, it was said that the recipe was worth thousands of silver coins, and we were lucky to use it for free, thanks to love and freedom.I've made more than N baked breads in the oven, and I've never failed, which means the recipe is good.This time I used a bread maker, and it worked, and I was sat...


Cream toast

After the oil is mixed to the full stage
A good dough is smooth, not sticky, but has a little bit of fluidity and is...


Old fashioned bread

I remember when I was a kid, when I used to eat bread, there were three-wheeled carts, a box, a bag of transparent packaging, the bag was a very thin kind of transparent food pocket, when eating bread, you could tear it one piece at a time, it was well organized, and it was not as flat as today's bread, the taste was always memorable. ...


Honey bread

Small bread, can be used as a snack, can be used as breakfast, fun and good to eat. ...


Chess toast

The greatest pleasure of making bread is that the result is not entirely controllable.Despite all the preparations made at the beginning, the result is very likely to lead to deviations from the goal due to a few operational problems.This time, I'm still using the square of Freedom Sister < Cocoa Double Bread > (750g small), the last time I did it was the way to twist the braid in the reference book, this time, I want to do it in a different way.By the way, I've seen cake and cookies in the shape of a chessbo...


Cranberry cheese and toast

Making bread is actually a lot of fun, watching the flour gradually take shape, the dough slowly become smooth, then ferment a little bit over time, wait until the final baking is finished, watch the hot bread come out of the oven, my heart is full of joy, that's happiness.Sometimes, according to one's taste, one prefers to add some fillings, such as honey beans or cranberries, which are common in the house.If you have plenty of time, you can make your own bread, and if you don't want to get in trouble, you can jus...


Souped cranberry and pumpkin bread

A slight change in the recipe of love and freedom, with the soup that was refrigerated overnight, increased the amount of pumpkin in the recipe, correspondingly reduced some water, the cranberry factor was not enough and also reduced, the original 75 grams I used only 35 grams, the finished product came out is the softest of the four currently made, after two days and two nights soft still, is a soft sister who can go down the waist, there is evidence, the taste is also good, with pumpkin spice and occasionally bit...


Tea and cheese bread

Due to lack of experience, the original team thought it was too much for the 450 grams of toast, so they split their claim into two parts.So... I got a big dwarf bread and a small fat bread. ...


Milk and butter bread

From flour to dough to bread, it's a harvesting process, and as the dough grows a little bit, every hole is filled with the joy of baking, and happiness slowly expands in this warm kitchen.The inside is filled with butter, the outside is filled with butter, the bread is soft and sweet, sweet and crisp, not only enriches the taste, but also makes the bread more beautiful. ...


Tofu bread

Although it doesn't smell as good as the bread in the bakery, but eat it with your heart, the kind of bread that smells like it's two miles away, how many spices, expanding agents, preservatives and other additives are in it, so do it yourself to make healthy bread! With a little manual intervention, you can make delicate, delicious, thick, soft tofu bread with a baking machine!...
