Chocolate chestnut cake

I've always loved sweet chestnuts, and I've always been kind to chestnuts.This cake is so delicious with the softness of the cake and the strong smell of the chestnut. ...


Dried red candy

Healthy, delicious red candy, soft, soft on the outside, crisp on the inside, bread-loving, you'll love the taste of it!...


Soft bread with potatoes

When it comes to making bread, what's the first thing that comes to mind?.Even with a baking machine, the dough takes some time to reach the qualifying level.The answer is: NO! Of course not! So what we're going to do today is make a quick bread that's always good to eat, and doesn't need to be kneaded for a long time! Maybe you're going to say, how can bread be soft and tasty if it's not kneaded to a certain extent?.Because we add a natural softener to the dough, like potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, and other foods ...


Glutinous rice packages

Before making the cake, add some leftover glutinous rice flour to the flour to make a small meal package, glutinous rice flour can improve the aging of the bread....


Ham bread

At the beginning of the new school year, teachers repeatedly emphasized that they must make a nutritious breakfast for their children, preferably not eating at roadside stalls.But every day the shops on the street are full of adults and children, four or five parents I know, and breakfast is almost all eaten in the shops outside, basically no breakfast.My grandmother has been eating breakfast at home every day since she was a little girl, and every day she works hard to make it.No, bread is also made to change colo...


Cabbage bread

In the world of baking, bread is my heart, I have to make it a few times a week, otherwise my heart will be empty.The reason for this is that maybe the longer I wait, the more it's worth the wait. What's the logic, it's just bullshit. Maybe while waiting for the dough to ferment, watching the dough swell a little bit, my happiness also increases.In short, I like the same thing, it may be clear, it may not be clear, bread for me is like that, today I made a soft bread wrapped in a fragrant coconut filling, with a cu...


The Hamburg embryo

After oil, thin film
Fermentation twice as much
Round and round
After 20 minutes of stillness, p...


The Bible of Bread - Natural Yeast of the Rosemary

It takes about 5-8 hours to ferment at room temperature, the hair is fully expanded, there are many small bubbles on the...


Carrot bread

Wash the carrots, peel them, and grind them with tools.
The raw material is installed in a bucket on the principle o...


Cranberry cookies

Separate the butter from the water and mix it with the sugar powder.
Put the egg juice in and keep stirring.


Italian nut crackers

It's the second time I've made an Italian nut biscuit, this time it's an oil-free one, the one I made before with butter is more spicy, compared to this one, it's crispy, it's more fragrant, it's full of nuts, it's sweet, it's crispy, and it's perfectly combined with the appearance of natural coarse minerals, it's expected to be liked by many male compatriots, because our father, who doesn't like to eat biscuits, also ate it well.Those who are not used to drinking coffee for breakfast, come to a cup of hot cocoa wi...


Cranberry cookies

The original intention of buying the oven was for this cookie, in the constant learning to make better and healthier cookies, suitable for the parents of the family. ...
