Chocolate shavaline

Chocolate Shavaline is a well-known French tradition.The shape is characterized by a concave central part, then filled with chocolate filling, which is a French representative of a warm cake, with a very Parisian and expensive feeling.The more I use the electric oven, the more convenient it is, the more I like it, the more precise the temperature, the more uniform the color, and then I use the flower-shaped silicone mold, which makes this chocolate Shawarin cake especially beautiful, almost perfect. ...


The almond muffin

Women and sweets should be inseparable.When a spoonful of sweetness enters the tongue, then rolls it gently over the tongue, a layer of sweetness rolls out of the mouth, spins, repeats, and sinks into the throat.It's a feeling that tempts women to forget to count calories at that moment.I like to read books in the middle of the night, and occasionally look up at the orange lights in the oven, and the way the cake is swelling.The air is filled with sweet scents, and dreams become warm and beautiful.It's been a long ...


Cocoa butter cake

Since I got the 3.5 version of the electric oven, I've become more and more fond of baking, why? Needless to say, it's definitely this oven that makes people feel comfortable using it! I was also worried that my original grill and grill net couldn't be used, so today when I baked biscuits and fries, I found that it worked perfectly, plus the up and down temperature control, the baked biscuits, the color, and the taste, needless to say, you know, the baby and the husband are absolutely great.In particular, two plate...


Yoghurt and cherry cake

It's made with raw yogurt, so you can eat it without worrying about it....


Cake of peaches

These days we are preparing for the festival every day, the first is the children's festival, the second is the lunch festival, the third is the daughter's birthday, they are all lined up together, this is very good, the child is happy, today is the daughter's 3rd birthday, I made this cake for her, I found that the child will be very excited to see the cake, it is very easy to satisfy oh!...


Orange cup cake

Low-fat flour is sifted 2-3 times.
A bowl of warm water is poured underneath the whole egg, boiled to a thick consis...


Maple syrup

This square can only consume such a large bottle of maple syrup if it doesn't have to wait for the expiry date to be broken before it is used up....


Light cheese cake

I've been baking cheesecakes for a long time, and I haven't been able to make a more satisfying cake until recently. I've been baking cheesecakes that aren't very perfect, mainly because of the problems of cracking and shrinking. I've also tried a lot of squares and temperatures, and I've been baking cheesecakes that aren't very stable.Here, I'm going to share my experience with you for so long, it doesn't have to be a theory, it's just a little bit of my own, I hope I can help you a little bit, say the wrong place...


The Swan Bubble

I promised to make a cream puff for the kids, and to surprise them, I made a swan-shaped puff.The result was really amazing, except for the three that were photographed, almost all of the others were stolen and eaten.I was completely and utterly conquered, whether it was the alternation of taste or the visual effect. ...


Light cheese cake

I like the taste of light cheese, but I always think that pure light cheese is a bit tasty, so later I found the recipe changed, into light cheese with yogurt, sour taste and some sweetness, it's more refreshing to eat. The little guy also likes the 6 inch cake, he can eat half of it himself!...


Milk and cotton cakes

In fact, a few months ago, I made a cotton cake with butter, and I don't remember what it was like then, but the final product shrunk after it dried, and then for various reasons it was put on hold and never made again...Now I've finally had time to make two, and I'm basically satisfied with the finished product, the taste is good - it's different from the other feeling of a sponge and a sponge....



It's been almost two years since I started baking, and I've always wanted to try to make bubbles because I was afraid of failing.I used to call my sister-in-law at home and tell her that my nephew always wanted to eat my cake or bread, because it was too far away, and I couldn't let him taste my aunt's craftsmanship.After the summer holidays, I played at home for almost half a month, because the weather was hot and I didn't want to move the oven, this week the children had exams, so I couldn't go, so I turned on th...
