8 inches of mango frozen cheese cake

I have a friend who married a foreign handsome guy, and then I saw that my friend often made a little heart hair on the circle of friends, I wanted to learn, so I asked her to teach me how to make this cake. It's actually easy to operate, you can only refrigerate it, you don't need an oven....


Peanut butter and yogurt pound cake

When I found out that I had gotten the couss cooker, I couldn't believe that the pie would fall on my head! I looked at it over and over and over again, verifying it, until I was sure that I could hardly sleep that night. I was excited, I was looking forward to the arrival of the couss cooker.I'm sorry! The first time I did it, my hair was bad, so I didn't do the test report, today I did it for the second time, peanut butter and yogurt pound cake, just done, the smell of the house attracts the stomach of people - i...


Cartoon cake

To prepare the ingredients, I used Kitty's silicone mold, which is a child's favorite.
Tomatoes and black sesame cru...


Red velvet cake

Isn't it heartwarming to see the beautiful cakes in the cake shop? Today I'm going to teach you how to make a high-quality cake that doesn't require any craftsmanship or tricks, it's really delicious, you like it, the kids will love it even more! ...


Cucumbers and dates

Microwave the walnuts for one minute and crush the fresh bags.
It's very sweet, so I've reduced the amount of sugar....


Turtle cake

I'm sure most of them are made for the children of the family, and they're delicious with soft gingerbread and cream fruit. ...


Madeleine's cake

Did you use Madeleine's name because she's beautiful?I have to admit, Madeleine's cake is really sexy and lovely.Regardless of the name, as a cake, it's hard to eat.The freshly baked Madeleine is eaten hot, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and with a bite, the delicate cake has a fresh lemon scent that spreads throughout the mouth.It's cooled overnight and then eaten, and the cake is soft and sweet, and it tastes great.I recommend you try it. ...


The original Madeleine

The first time I did it, I was very satisfied, because my father was very happy, he said he liked to eat, and seeing that he liked to eat, it was a beauty....


Floating cake rolls

Floating cloud cake rolls, also known as MOF rolls.Produced by French dessert world champion Angelo MUSA, the mouthfeel is light as a cloud, soft as pudding, and the entrance is makeup.No wonder it's so hot......


Shuffle cake rolls

Put the butter in the milk pot and heat it until it is mixed and then remove it.
High powder + low powder after addi...


Honey and peanut butter cake

Recently I fell in love with cake powder, it's very convenient to make cake, the ingredients are all suitable for businessmen, when you want to eat cake and be lazy, use cake powder as an arrow, the powder does not use a sieve, add the liquid and mix it, there are not many restrictions.It's also my favorite, usually in addition to bread and cake, most of the time it's used to spray water, especially this honey spray with a lot of pure fruit, dig a big spoon with warm boiling water, it's perfect for this dry season,...


Shuffle cheese cake

The cheese cake, which is quite popular online, is said to make people eat the screaming cake, just in time for the cow's birthday, you can finally try it once, the father says the taste is quite delicate, after baking it should be frozen for a night, carefully cut, really improvised, the cheese content of this cake is a bit high, but the cheese is a good thing, high in calcium, very suitable for the elderly and children!...
