Chocolate leaf cake

The amazing leaves, similar to the raw flavor, are my favorite chocolate cake, and I can't stop eating them.I'm lazy, I only make a few leaves, the more the better. ...


Cake decoration

Preparation of materials
Add the egg yolk and half the sugar to the egg mixer until it changes color, add the salt t...


Chiang Kai-shek cake with leaves

Some ingredients: low-powdered white sugar, vanilla oil, eggs, milk, cocoa powder
Egg yolk separated, about 180 gram...


Thousand leaf cake rolls

Separate the egg whites and egg yolks, add 20 grams of white sugar to the egg yolk bowl and stir evenly.
Continue st...


Cranberry Swiss cake rolls

Simple cake rolls are one of my favorite pastry hearts, although they are simple, but they can be made in many flavors.Tea and tea..Wait a minute... ...


Caterpillar cake rolls

These days off at home, having time to do some baking, thinking about preparing some interesting baking for the children will be very happy, this caterpillar cake roll is shaped on the basis of a horizontal cake roll, full of children's fun, the son and his good friends will surely love it!...


The soufflé cheese cake

The cheese is heated and homogenized.
Heating and melting of butter
In the cream cheese
Stir evenly


Cream cake

This time the cake is simple, delicate and elegant.Most of all, it covers all the shortcomings, even if it's a cake that can be made by hand, and if you like it, take advantage of the cherry season to make it!...


Shuffle cheese cake

Prepare the necessary materials.
Put the cheese in the plate, then put the plate in the hot water pot.
Stir unti...


Shuffle cheese cake

The other day I made a cheese-free soufflé, a cheese cake that has always been my little bear's favorite, and how could I not try the soufflé with cheese?Shuffle with cheese is best made in the evening, and after it is done, it is stored in the refrigerator for a night and can be eaten the next day.It's very delicate, but I don't know if it's my taste buds, I think it tastes a lot like the cheesecake I used to make. ...


Banana fried cake

Bananas are pressed into clay with a fork and sprinkled with lemon juice
Egg yolk and sugar dispersed by hand


Shuffle cheese cake

March, the White Valentine's Day.Do you want him? Then come a piece of cake, let her melt slowly in your mouth, sweet and delicate, soft and light, but full of cheese, smooth and fragrant.It's the kind of silky sweetness that makes you think of loneliness on the tip of your tongue, not only makes you drunk, makes you laugh, but also makes you want to eat, and that's what you'll never forget when you eat a bite of it - cheesecake!...
