Mini bags of pineapple

Mix all the material in 1
Mix into a smooth dough and ferment for one hour
Mix the ingredients in 2 and grind in...


Cabbage bread

The previous night, the yeast head material was mixed into a dough, placed in the refrigerator and fermented for 12 hour...


Pineapple bread

Put all the materials except the butter in the packing machine and in the pan.
Opening and closing process, 20 minut...


Black beer and black oatmeal

Black beer + black wheat, the pure flavor of maize, makes one's teeth smell.I had some beer left at home, and I threw it away, and I had this idea, and I made this bag, and I made this bag, and I made this bag, and I made this bag, and I made this bag. ...


Red bean sandwiches

I like toasted bread, I like its soft taste. ...


Carrot juice and bread

Since the bread machine came to my house, my family has been eating more pasta than food! This is very rare in Hunan, where rice is the main food. How many classmates like me have not liked to eat carrots since childhood?Given the rich nutrition of carrots, we can eat them all the time, today's carrot bread is specially prepared for comrades who don't eat carrots!...


Surprise toast

High flour, salt, sugar, milk powder, poured into the baker's stirring bucket, piled into small mountains.
Eggs, wat...


Super soft steak

Put everything except the butter in the bowl and stir evenly.
If you're like me, you use your hands and face, and th...


Yoghurt toast

I used to make a loaf of bread, and it's called yogurt and cheese, and although it's a direct method, they're both very good moisturizers, so they age very slowly.The square is 100% good, but I've always used it for packaging, this time I've adjusted the dosage a little bit, made a toast to see, this dosage should be just right for a toast box.That day I went crazy, I made three different toasts at the same time, the three-energy standard mold was perfectly occupied, I just had to use this different shape, this mol...


Cucumbers and egg yolks

If I don't make bread for a few days, I'll miss the bread and the taste and the smell of the bread when it's baked in the oven.In the past, the weather was cold, it took too long to ferment the bread, there was no time to roast, recently there was heating in the house, don't worry about the fermentation problem, there will be time to roast the roast. ...


Mexican caterpillar

The caterpillar is the caterpillar, why is it called the Mexican caterpillar? Hip-hop, let's be honest! Because, beauty is blind again, replacing the caterpillar's bubble paste with Mexican paste! So, wow, the caterpillar turned into the Mexican caterpillar! Does the caterpillar in the pink coat have another taste?...


Mexican bread

Mexican dough is usually placed on top of the bread after it has been shaped, it is sweet and Mexican dough, it tastes delicious, many people like it.I suspect that my son has a hygiene habit, no matter what he eats, he won't like it if he gets his hands dirty, I'm really depressed, in order to make it easier for my son to eat Mexican bread, I have to try my best, and it turns out that the solution is more difficult.Hey, look, there's Mexican food in there, too!...
