Cinnamon rolls

Either the clarity of the white toast or the intensity of the cinnamon roll, the taste of preference always collides from the two extremes.The rich texture of the cinnamon rolls looks delicious, the composition of the sticky dough is soft and elastic, the aroma and sweetness of the cinnamon peel is rampant throughout the mouth, and each bite can't help but chew for a few more minutes before swallowing.How can the little friends who are willing to add cinnamon to their coffee not love it!...


Machine cats

This cake was given to him by his husband on his birthday, and he couldn't eat it for two days....


Dairy cow horn bread

Weigh all the other ingredients except the cream cheese and put them in the barrel. We recommend 1 egg. Choose about 65 ...


Wine-brewing all-corn berry bread in the East China Sea

The last one is done.
Put in sugar, salt, whole wheat flour
Put the rice in the wine, this is with water, not dr...


Light cream bread

Except for butter, all materials are placed in the packaging machine, first the liquid and then the powder (sugar and sa...


Honey bean milk is used to make bread.

The bread you buy outside is a bunch of additives, you make it healthier! And you make it yourself, you put whatever ingredients you like, it's all your own, it's a great feeling!...


Black sesame fresh milk bread

This bread uses a lot of butter, so it's very fragrant, especially when baked.I highly recommend you try it.The square comes from a hundred loaves of bread from Mr. Meng. ...


Flower bread

Prepare the ingredients, it's better to leave a fifth of the whole egg juice, I forgot today, later I took another egg


Small meals or hamburgers

I have two babies at home, and my sister only eats a little in the morning.She doesn't want to eat the bread, she thinks it's too dry, I'm so tired of this sister.So a small lunch box or a hamburger, and in the morning make some lettuce, eggs or ham intestines in it, and your sister's breakfast is ready.As for a two-year-old baby, you can have one by hand. ...


Yoghurt packaging

The story behind this dish e ⁇ (selected)...


Dried grape juice

Dried grapes soaked in clear water.
Cut the butter into small pieces.
High-quality flour, low-quality flour and ...


Quick breakfast bags for cooks at work - crispy Korean roast beans

A simple, no longer simple, small meal package, which actually takes a lot of time to pay, just puts the long wait in the long night of silence, accompanied by the awakening of the dawn, the dough swells to just the right size.At this point, the hard-working cook who wakes up early only has to gracefully turn the oven knob, and 15 minutes later, the sweet-tasting breakfast staple is on the table, the old man eats one of your children, I eat one of mine, and there are sweets everywhere in the house.The most romantic...
